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Friday, February 10, 2017

Bitter. Depressed. Irrelevant.

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) elaborated on his party’s efforts to slow the confirmation of President Donald Trump’s cabinet appointees.

“What’s happened on the Republican side, even hope the many of them have doubts about these nominees, they’re afraid to break with Donald Trump,” he said.

“They’re marching in lockstep on these nominees and so many other things. Can you imagine if a Democrat had said the United States has moral equivalency to Russia and Putin? The Republicans would be howling at the moon. But here they just go along and say nothing. It’s a real display of lack of courage, of lack of strength, of lack of conviction for them to go along with these nominees and so do many things that I know in their hearts and minds is wrong.”



  1. Another prime example for Term-Limits.
    They exist on both sides of the aisle - as well as independents!

  2. Yo, dirtbag, lock-step is a good thing when it happens to be right for the country!

  3. Hey Chuck-You, You lost!

  4. Term limits of 8 years need to be imposed.

  5. He has no sense of irony or shame.

    Where was this loser when the Clinton's were SELLING themselves to the highest bidder?
    Where was this clown as his hero obama openly instructed the justice department to IGNORE immigration laws?
    Republicans are in lockstep with Trump because he's right. Look at what happened and is still happening to the liberal philosophy of 'everything is free, tax the rich, and bathrooms are a choice" crowd' who are offended 24-7 by anything.
    They took a serious ace-whupping. And they STILL don't get it.
    Now, they are like little kids who didn't get what they wanted and are now rolling around on the ground, crying and throwing a tantrum.
    Let 'em cry.
    Millions cheer.....

  6. There is hardly a day that goes by without Chuck Schumer demonstrating how out-of-touch and irrelevant the democrat party is.

    They are TOTALLY about power. Period.

  7. Just love the header of this post!
    Can go for the rest of his insane friends on his isle.

  8. Blah, blha, blah, Trump, blah, blah, Republicans, blah, blah....
    It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to...
    You would cry too, if it happened to you...
    I sing that song every time he and Polosi and Warren open their mouths.

  9. Schumer turns my stomach every time I see or hear from him. Was'nt he in"lockstep" with billerybama?

  10. He was so angry on TV the other day I am surprises his hair plugs didn't pop out.

  11. This guy is a real looser he needs to put on his big boy pants go to a corner and sit down.

  12. "Get off your high horse" Chuck


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