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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Quote of the day by Dianne Feinstein . . .

Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms."

Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. . . . And the quote below from the LA Times is priceless. Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right.

Kurt Nimmo: "Senator Feinstein insults all U.S. Veterans as she flails about in a vain attempt to save her anti-firearms bill."

Quote of the Day from the Los Angeles Times:
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office.

I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth '. 

The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."

Columnist Burt Prelutsky, Los Angeles Times
Be sure to forward this to all of the "mentally ill" vets you know. Especially the ones with guns.


  1. Folks....I am a strong conservative and a Marine vet of gulf 1. I have always believed in the notion of civil discourse. The way the left is attacking lately gives me pause. I am beginning to wonder where this uncivilized behavior is going to end up. We are an extremely polarized society.

  2. I think she is mentally ill

  3. "All Dumbocrats are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from elected office."

  4. This time, it's OUR turn to demand a resignation.

    There is no place in our government for someone like her.

    An apology would never suffice. Resign.

  5. Wow. Just wow. I think that's the last time we need to listen to her. The fact that the press actually covers this tells a lot as well. Need to not listen o them as well!

  6. Dianne Feinstein should start out by telling everyone how she's a massed enough to be listed as one of the richest members of the Senate when she's been in public service for almost three decades. She's worth over $100M and you can't get that kind of money just taking in $174,000 a year. So where is HER money coming from? Can you say CORRUPTION and RICO Violations? Maybe that's the real reason she's afraid of Jeff Sessions's Department of Justice. Just something to think about.

    1. Nancy has a net of 200 million. She has more money then the CEO of Exxon

  7. She is the one thats mentally ill.

  8. When you're 83 years old, sometimes you don't think as well as you once did.

    It's time for this one to go home.

  9. Age limit AND term limits needed.

  10. She should resign. Period.


  11. This is unexcusable. She should resign.


  12. IIRC she also packs heat dating back to her days in city politics in San Francisco when several officials were gunned down.

    The LA Times comment didn't pull any punches. Was it from the paper directly, or a commenter?

  13. That LA Times editorial was one of the best sartorials I've ever read. I hope the democrats keep talking. They are making complete asses of themselves.
    It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

  14. Heard--Tell......her and Hillary are lovers.....

  15. She's a part of the swamp that needs draining.


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