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Monday, February 06, 2017

Newsweek's Michael Wolff: 'Media Losing to Trump,' Look Ridiculous

The "media keeps losing to Donald Trump," columnist Michael Wolff wrote for Newsweek last month, and he proceeded to call out CNN's"Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter for being a "ridiculous figure" Sunday.

"I mean this with truly no disrespect, but I think you can border on being sort of quite a ridiculous figure," Wolff told Stelter on Sunday. "It's not a good look to repeatedly and self-righteously defend your own self-interest. The media should not be the story. Every week in this religious sense, you make it the story. We are not the story."

Stelter's CNN Sunday program deals with media topics in politics.

"I love your show," Wolff commended, before returning to criticism. "I wish you wouldn't turn to the camera and lecture America about the virtues of the media and every one trying to attack it.

"The media will be fine."



  1. Finally, a journalist with a pair who sees the problem. Self-grandiose get's you nothing. If you have to tell someone you're moral and ethical, you probably aren't.

  2. Everybody should know what they're being fed. If it's crap, no matter how tasty, it should be spit out and a good rinse with the truth needs to be had.

  3. say 'the media will be fine'. no my dears, the media is NOT fine. they are liars, deceivers, twisters of truth and more. fake news is not acceptable under any circumstances. msm has been caught with their pants down and don't know how to handle it. they have lied for so long, they can't tell the truth from a lie. boycott msm...

  4. Brian Stelter is a joke. He needs to be taken off the air by CNN, but then again, they don't get it either.


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