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Monday, February 06, 2017

Left-Wing Hosts Suggest Berkeley Riots Were Conducted By Right-Wingers

Progressive journalist Cenk Uygur, who hosts the popular online news show “The Young Turks” with Ana Kasparian, suggested Thursday the Wednesday riot at the University of California – Berkeley was conducted by right-wingers.

Uygur and Kasparian addressed the riot in an episode titled, “Why The Media Is Wrong On Berkeley Protest.” Ugyur maintained that there is no way to know who the protesters are even though anti-fascist “black bloc” protesters have essentially taken credit for the violence.

“Could the right-wing come in masked? Could it be 4chan guys who come in to cause trouble so they can then turn around and do exactly what they did today, ‘Oh you have to take away the funding from Berkeley?,'” Uygur asked.

He said that Berkeley is teaching science and facts, and “the right-wing hates facts.” “What a convenient Reichstag fire we just had,” Uygur, a former MSNBC host, added.



  1. The right wing hates facts? I thought that that was the exclusive domain of the Left.

  2. We won the election so no reason to burn down a campus, what about all the other hundreds of riots and it's pretty damn convenient right wing is to blame suddenly. The more liberals do this the stronger the support gets for President Trump.

  3. Liberal terrorist screwed up this time and they know it. A Trump supporter that happens to be gay, Jewish, immigrant, cross dresser who usually dates black men was going to speak on 1st amendment. The college students started a riot because they didn't like him... typical terrorist.

  4. So, your story is that "right-wingers" somehow object to Conservative speaker, who are considered "Right Wing" by left wing liberal progressives.

    Let's just let that sink in for a moment!

    Gosh, Have any of you left wing progressives thought past your noses in the last 30 days?


  5. Good one; gotta be on the Nobel Fiction list. Start working on your acceptance speech Young Turkeys; may have to split the prize with the nutty professor!


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