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Monday, February 06, 2017

Services set for prison guard slain in Delaware uprising

DOVER, Del. (AP) — Funeral services have been set for the Delaware prison guard killed last week during an inmate uprising.

According to Evan W. Smith Funeral Services , a first visitation for Lt. Steven Floyd will be held Friday evening at Delaware State University Memorial Hall. A second visitation will take place Saturday morning at the same location, followed by a funeral service and interment at a cemetery in Frederica.

Floyd, 47, was found dead early Thursday after a hostage standoff at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center near Smyrna.



  1. While this is tragic, and should not have happened, and while also knowing there are criminals in jail at which he worked, some of them violent I bet, maybe we should look at how the guards treated the inmates... People can only take so much of anything and will snap... You all always look at the out come versus what started the outcome... You never want to do that, why???

    Like for instance and this is really no comparison becasue a death was involved but what about how cops treat people and do things to people that is illegal to do??? I mean you have cops who illegally stop you, who illegally abuse you or someone else, and their rights... They harass you and do all of these other things, and then when someone has had enough and stands up to the corrupt cop, you say it is alright for the cop to do what he did for what ever reason, and then you continue on to say, good, one less thug or some other bull shit statement... You never look into, or look at how the cop started the interaction, was it legal or illegal, but no one seems to care... Only when something bad happens someone seems to care...

  2. I retired from ECI. You would not believe how good the inmates have it. First of all officers are not allowed to touch an inmate unless the inmate is coming at him and the officer is in fear of his life. Then there are the inmates. If they are in general population and most of them are unless they have been in a fight or stabbed somebody. They walk around there like it is a college campus. You unlock their doors and they go up to medical to get their medicine for pill call. They go to chow and eat. then they get gym in the winter and yard in the summer. Then they go to their chapel services to keep their religion. Even though most chapel services are just gang meetings. They go to the library and education where they study for their GED or college degree. then they have their band practice where they have electric guitars, drums and microphones.Yeah that sounds pretty hard on them huh. Also while all of this is going on for the ones that don't have chapel they are in the day room playing cards or dominoes or checkers. Some are just in their little groups watching television with their friends in the day room. Yeah that really sounds like being mistreated doesn't it. Most of the inmates have a better life in prison than we do on the outside. Only difference is they can't leave and only see their family during visiting hours. Yeah really bad huh. That is why so many inmates don't want to get out of prison because it is structured by routine times and the have it so easy a lot of times after they are released they commit crimes to get back in prison. Why because it is tougher on the outside you have to work to eat and have a place to stay, So don't tell me they are mistreated. It is more like a country club for inmates. So just think about that for a while This is from experience of being in prison just that I got to come home every night.

  3. Yes, 533, but you must also include that the monkey on their back requires the re-entry crime.

    Lack of any ability to rent, get a driver's license and a job to pay rent plus child support is he biggest invitation to get back "home" to 3 hots and a cot.

    Shame? YES

    Solvable? YES.

    Laws need changing.

  4. Anon 9:37 You think you know. But there are a lot of employers willing to hire ex-cons as long as they don't lie about it on their application. Basically they are to lazy to work for their food and a place to stay so I will stick by my previous comments. By the way how many inmates have you ever been around?
    Anon 5:33.


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