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Friday, February 10, 2017

Liberals Call Joe Albero A Coward

It's sad that a local blogger will run and hide from a real liberal challenge. Conservatives need to rise up and take a stand. Very disappointed in the "Anonymous" blogger army.

If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything!

Jonathan Taylor As stated the man is and always has been a coward

To The EBT Blogger,

This "coward" went door to door in Salisbury for a year addressing some 8,000 voters face to face while I ran for Mayor. If I was in fact what you call a "coward", wouldn't I be afraid to confront thousands of haters? I also stood up to the Liberal Party by running for Mayor. 

The only coward I see is you. You refuse to go to work and instead sit behind your computer picking on defenseless women and children. Instead you collect disability, live in an affordable housing complex and live off us hard working Americans.

I'm sure once people read this message they will want to spit in your face, not that I encourage anything of the sort. We at Salisbury News make incredible donations with our advertising revenue, Paying It Forward simply to help others in need, something you don't do. 

Yeah, I'm a real "coward".


  1. Joe, I wouldn't waste my spit on this horses ass!!!!

  2. No, I'll take local hero Albero over anybody overeating at the gov't trough. But I don't want to spit on him. That's the stuff liberals do, and it would be a waste of my saliva.

  3. He looks like he eats very well off free money

  4. You also reunite lost and found animals.

  5. Joe I wish you had run again In the last election and we wouldn't have Jake Day, please run in the next election for mayor you would be a shoe in for shore. Never mind the loosers, and the only reason people like myself sign as anonomous is there are too many people that are haters out there, and some don't let go. One thing is I always vote and Joe knows in the e-mails and comments I send I too care.

  6. He can't pay it forward. He has no money all he is concerned about it what restaurant is opening or closing and who has a special on food.

  7. This picture of this dude is so appropriate of him in his backyard. What a putz.

  8. I've disagreed with you many times, especially in the early days of this blog.
    That said, the absolute last thing you are, as far as I'm concerned, is a coward.
    You've pulled off some stuff and constantly been right in the face of higher powers.
    "Coward"? Hell no.
    A little crazy sometimes? Maybe a little.
    Thanks for being the best news source on the Shore.

  9. I guess I'm a coward for remaining anonymous... but I'm just so scared JT would find me and mistake for a pile of spare ribs.

  10. I know the door thing was true, it was refreshing not to open to a Morman, Jehovah's witness or college student selling something, but an honest to God conservative! First and last time that has ever happened to me!

  11. Bide your time. This physical disaster of its own making hasn't all that long on this Earth, a victim of his gluttony and hatred.

  12. I don't know anything about either of you, but I have a question. Is this picture one of the actual person that is described as living off of disability? In what world is he disabled? He seems to eat plenty and has managed to get himself to the dump. I've never seen disabled people as large as him at the dump, let alone stand for a picture. How is this not fraud? If it is a picture of the questionable character, then how can he still be on disability while having the ability to take portraits at the dump and eat so well? Cleary he has more abilities than he claims. This just seems like a big case of fraud that needs be investigated. As for you Joe, I still don't care to know either of you. I'm just glad for the service that you provide. I find sbynews very useful and habitually come here throughout the day. You do a very good job and for that, I thank you.

  13. To: World Grease the picture is of JT looking for another free handout he hitches a ride with the trash tuck driver to get in the dump. He was actually there looking for his dinner (another free handout). What JT doesn't get is that all he does is stir the SH!T with a little stick I was always taught if you are going to stir it you better have a big stick. He attacks Joe every chance he gets but never has the full story of anything. What JT needs to realize is that when JOE stirs the SH!T he uses the proper sized stick and usually wins!


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