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Friday, February 10, 2017

Carozza tries to extend senior fraud protection

Improving efforts to protect the elderly and other vulnerable adults from being financially duped is the aim of legislation introduced by Delegate Mary Beth Carozza (R-38C).

The House Judiciary Committee heard testimony last Thursday for HB 256, which would double the time local social service departments have to conduct non-emergency adult protective services investigations.

Testifying at last week’s hearing was Worcester County Social Services Director Roberta Baldwin, who joined a chorus of voices asking to extend the investigative process from 30 to 60 days. The current 10-day window to complete emergency case investigations would remain intact.

“It really provides an opportunity to conduct a thorough and comprehensive investigation, which would allow us to better protect vulnerable adults,” she said.



  1. So much I want to say about DSS and protecting the elderly, but I need to just keep my mouth shut!!!

  2. The only problem I see is taxes being taken from vulnerable adults to support delegates, social services, the house judiciary committee and other government fraud's claiming to protect seniors.

    I happen to be 72 years young and have no idea what age bracket they "protect". But have an idea how to protect myself and family from being financially duped. That would be by the same method as protecting from intrusion or invasion (blue steel or stainless). And will do so for many living years to come. :)

  3. Bob Aswell... NOT FOOLEDFebruary 11, 2017 at 10:42 AM

    Mary Beth is a hand picked natural ass by Jim Mathias. I sent her an E-mail 3 months ago concerning the 5th rate increase by Delmarva Power and NO ONE including her either responded or contacted me about the same. I know why, she's been coached by Mathias and the other Shore Legislators on how to take MONEY from DPL and other Electric Co-ops who DON'T even serve the shore and fill their war chests.She's talking about seeing to the elderly. Hogwash! The way to help the elderly is to NOT LET these mega companies gouge them while they live on a fixed income. What a bunch of losers the Shore has in Annapolis.I think the Eastern Shore Delegation has about as much chance in the House and Senate as a chicken does with Col. Sanders. If you think I'm wrong, look at how they ALL voted on the wind energy bill last week. Another increase for the ELDERLY to take out of their SOCIAL SECURITY. Concerned? Bu$%^&T Carozza. Bob Aswell...Not fooled by Eastern Shore Good Ole Boy Politics


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