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Friday, February 10, 2017

Record 5,411 Americans Renounced Their U.S. Citizenship In 2016

For the fourth year in a row, a record number of Americans and green-card holders renounced their U.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency in 2016, according to Treasury Department data slated for publication Thursday.

At the end of each quarter, the Treasury Department publishes the names of people who renounced their citizenship during the prior three months. Last quarter, 2,365 individuals expatriated, according to an analysis of the data by international tax attorney Andrew Mitchel, who has been tracking expatriations on his website since 2008.

Last quarter’s tally mean the total number of published expatriates in 2015 was a record 5,411 — 26 percent higher than 2015, when 4,279 individuals renounced their citizenship, and 58 percent higher than in 2014, when 3,415 expatriated, according to Mitchel’s analysis.



  1. Obama never was a citizen by his own words. So maybe he will have friends he can live with in a 3rd world country when the Feds get him for fraud when he took foreign student aide and take away his pension and benefits.

  2. Why would you want to be a citizen seems to me you get more benefits being an illegal immigrant

  3. How many that said they were leaving Hollywood did it? Not even one I bet, lairs just Like their hero Hillary.

  4. With the names on the list I say happy to see you go. And stay gone.

  5. Where do they go for Citizenship? I'm curious!

  6. If I could, I'd be someplace with long, warm days, where my dollar is worth five.

  7. As someone with dual citizenship, I would never give up my US citizenship. It is by far the best in the world and offers great protections and freedoms. It is ridiculous that it has come to the point of the extremists on both sides cannot accept and live with the peaceful transfer of power from one party to the other every 4 or 8 years. My take on it is that we have become such a self centered, me me me, everyone gets a trophy, no loser society that the masses cannot accept losing. I fear that it is going to get much worse as time goes on and it is being fueled by the 24 hr news media which no longer offer news just pundits projecting their own mantras.


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