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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Keeping Our Transgender Community Safe In Wicomico/Worcester Counties

Hi everyone, anyone interested in finding a way to make sure our trans students are safe and feel accepted in Wicomico and Worcester County?






Tracy L. Wright
Tracy L. Wright If there is enough interest I MAY be able to engage a speaker. A dear friend of mine is a trans woman working in government.
Erika Thomas
Erika Thomas That would be awesome!
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Check out resources from the lower shore LGBTQ Coalition. They have several educational modules developed, including modules on youth in schools.
Echo Leaver
Echo Leaver I am sure our local PFLAG could use some help with people power and advocates. I would check in with them.
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Please help PFLAG! (To answer your question--we have struggled to engage the schools).
Erika Thomas

Erika Thomas I would love to! I saw on their site that there are meetings every month but is there anything I can do other than that?
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Yes. PM me!
Phyllis White
Phyllis White How safe is a trans going to feel if she has to go in a male bathroom wearing a dress?
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Many "hold it" all day! And many do not drink during school hours to avoid having to go to the bathroom. :(
Echo Leaver
Echo Leaver This makes me sad. Can we somehow get peers to crest "I will go with you" brigades and buddy systems?
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper I love that idea.
Erika Thomas
Erika Thomas A buddy system would be a great idea! I was also thinking about just asking schools what their position is and asking them to make an announcement
Phyllis White
Phyllis White I think each local school district needs to be contacted to ask what they are doing to help their trans students.
Alexia Prochnicki
Alexia Prochnicki The GSA at Wi High is preparing a presentation on this subject for staff. Not sure about the other schools.
Rachael Stein
Rachael Stein (As a side note: please support Rise Up Coffee. They changed their single seat bathrooms from single gender to all gender on my request.)
Echo Leaver
Echo Leaver I was wondering what prompted the change. Thank you. And Rise Up. It's that easy folks.
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Rachael Stein THANK YOU!! I noticed that, too. I love it!
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Sending a thank-you note to them on behalf of PFLAG as well!!
Erika Thomas
Erika Thomas I was thinking about making a generic sign and reaching out to local business as well and asking them to put it somewhere in their business that people can use whatever bathroom they feel comfortable with
Shelly Copper
Shelly Copper Also to provide background for anyone reading this: the Trump administration didn't rescind any law or write a new one (yet). Basically what they did was tell schools (vis a vis saying it was a state issue) that they did not have to follow the May 2016...See More
Molly Likovich
Molly Likovich Let's all go to the next board of ed meeting and speak out
Molly Likovich
Molly Likovich ill ask my mom how we go about getting in touch with the board of ed, until then DO NOT STOP emailing and calling andy harris
Like · 3 · 23 hrs


  1. I have no desire to make trans students feel more comfortable. I would prefer they are extremely uncomfortable

  2. LOL...another fake controversy of the deranged left.

  3. LMFAO, Rise up coffee, who had single person bathrooms, pointedly changed the signs from male/female to anyone.

    Was that really necessary? Honestly, if the ladies room was in use and the mens room was open, I would use it regardless of the sign. Gotta go, you go.

    How absolutely pathetic our world has become.


    Straight women who is sick of this ridiculous crap and pees in an empty bathroom and ignores signs.

  4. The ONLY way is to have seperate bathrooms. Male, female and single bathrooms. I do not want a male in my daughters bathroom peroid and vice versa. Trans according to Drs have mental issues. If you are born male you are male, you are NOT what you "think" you are. They do not require or should be given special treatment. To be treated equally quit asking for special privileges.

  5. As a person who graduated in the late 60's from a high school which had over 2,000 students, I never knew one person who had any of these issues. Where were they then? Or is this just something that arose in the last decade or so?

  6. There are so few people who act out in this way it's a waste of time to make laws protecting a handful of people nationwide while putting millions and millions of women and children in danger in the name of fairness.

  7. 2:28 PM Exactly. Here we go with a minority shoving their agenda down our throats.

    Look, kids can be cruel. And kids being safe, ok. I get it. But the extent people take this to is absurd.

    But their resolution is to have someone escort them to the bathroom. Yea like that's not embarrassing and won't get you bullied.

    Go pee. No one cares.

  8. People who coercetheir kids into transgender roles should be charged with child abuse.

  9. Curious about how many trans students exist in Wicomico/Worcester County schools.

    1. @5:22
      You are wrong. Or is this your 'alternative fact'?

  10. Today I identify as a washing machine. Tomorrow? Who knows? Perhaps I will be a blade of grass!

  11. whats next...bathrooms for animals?

    Don't laugh, in this day/age, there is health insurance for animals!!!!!

    Priorities are so skewed today...Sad.

  12. WTF is wrong with this country!!

  13. I have a novel idea!! Let's do something to make normal people feel comfortable in Worcester and Wicomico Counties.

    I really feel creeped out when I am around transgender people and Fags. I know these people have a mental problem and have been known to snap.

    Let's do it!

  14. Molly?? Where are you????? Here is your next agenda

  15. She already has NattyD elusion on board

  16. Circus Freaks!This is what they are, Freaks of nature! If born male, you are male, even if you dress up like a girl. Same goes with females.

  17. Why? Looking for a date? It is none of your business what is in another person's underwear.

  18. Could somebody show Molly LiesALot a phone book? I think the Board of Education might be listed there. Then she wouldn't have to ask her Mommy!

  19. So lets see, if I wake up and feel like dressing up as a chicken, then I am a trans-chicken? If I feel like a Tree, then I am one? Well, today I feel like King of the World, so all of the people need to do my yard work, pay me money, and bow to me.
    Stupid isn't it? Makes as much sense as a guy dressing up as a little girl using the girls locker room, or toilet!

  20. I have been claiming I am transracial and attempting to benefit from affirmative action but no one will buy this bull. Also a black friend then called me the "N" word. So unfair.

  21. It should be illegal to change your gender before the age of 18. Should not be an issue in k-12!

  22. How about making all student feel safe! Girls are being sexually assaulted in the schools and the fights are out of control. As far as being accepted that a moral issue which is a parent responsibility.
    Not the Molly would know since her parents failed completely when it comes to being good responsible parents. They raised a liar.

  23. All of the sexual assaults on female students were by males from what has been released to the public. None were reported to be assaults by anyone pretending to be a different sex.

  24. Oh David, as an ex-pastor you should know better. You must think we are to love everyone with no restrictions. The bible itself tells us not to be effeminate yet you support these people who live contrary to the bible and God's word?

    Everyone goes to heaven, and these people will too. BUT, not everyone gets to stay in heaven. The wheat and tares (weeds) will be gathered up together but then they are sorted and the weeds are thrown into the fire.

    Sinners and righteous people are gathered up together in heaven, but then they are sorted and the sinners are cast into the ever-lasting fire.

    The weeds and sinners get to go to heaven but they will not be allowed to stay.

    Giving these people false hope is wrong. They should told the truth, whether they accept it or not.

    The more you thought you learned, the further away you have travelled.

  25. This girl ericka is just another young dummy who doesn't know what she is talking about. Go to her fb page and you will see what I mean. she is all of 20 years old, from Pa., hindu, worries about a trump sign in her apt. complex' yard, and other various stupid comments and posts.

    and she recently left her job at starbucks. yeah. I hope I am dead and gone before these young people like her start being our leaders and getting power from ones who die off or retire. Lord help us all.

  26. I agree with 8:45. If we keep using groups to identify our inclusiveness, we will always be separate. So, how about doing something so ALL of the kids feel safe, not just queers. I went to Rock and Roll Revival this week (wow! What an amazing performance. Made me proud to be from wicomico county), and there were several gay boys in the performance. They did a great job, looked like they were welcomed by their peers and didn't seemed threatened in any way.
    So, your group is just trying create more drama.
    Oh, by the way, Trump won. Cant stop saying that. Makes me feel so good!

  27. This is absolutely stupid. Transgender my butt. There's probably not even two transgender kids in the entire tristate area but because Hollywood is making a big deal out of it, weak minded morons have to climb on the clown car and try to make it look like it's something it's not. Now Wicomico and Worchester - two counties that couldn't be anymore sticks if they tried, things it's being sophisticated by talking transgender? Waste of time, effort and money. Anything to not concentrate on the area's lack of jobs, decent cost of living and jobs.

  28. 10:05 How do you know "there were several gay boys"? Were they the ones without a buck knife and can of skoal?

  29. February 26, 2017 at 5:47 PM

    naw, they were the ones winking and smiling at you


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