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Sunday, February 26, 2017

JUST IN: Several News Organizations Blocked from White House Press Briefing

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — CNN and other news organizations were blocked Friday from a White House press briefing.

There was no immediate explanation from the White House.

The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Politico were also excluded from the meeting, known as a gaggle.

The Associated Press and Time magazine boycotted the briefing because of how it was handled. The White House Correspondents Association is protesting.

The conservative media organizations Breitbart News, The Washington Times and One America News Network were allowed in.



  1. Because everyone is tired of fake news.

  2. A gaggle about describes those MSM entities.

    As with geese, their collective message is "honk, honk, honk" about a risk that isn't perceived, but manufactured. The MSM had its chance during the year plus before the election, proving itself to be unsuited to the task of providing unfettered and unbiased news to the public. One need only view the pre-election polls carried out by its outlets and reported to the public as unvarnished truth.

  3. No MSM = No Fake News (sensationalist, hysterical, the usual)

  4. AWESOME they have been LIBERAlieSED X 8 YRS F THEM.

  5. No MSM = No Fake News (sensationalist, hysterical, the usual)

  6. Don't you find it strange all the media outlets report the same news in a choreographed manner ?

    1. This has been said for over a year, the exact same words used for a story no matter which news outlet you watched!

  7. GOOD! how about PBS and NPR next?

  8. The honest have to punish the dishonest and hold them accountable for their constant lying. Elections have consequences. If they don't like it then they need to stop with all that lying they do.

  9. The adults are in charge now and the children must be punished for lying.

  10. CNN doesn't need to attend any press conferences or gaggles. They can just pull their fake stories out of their doopas. Like they always do.

  11. Hillary and obama did the exact same thing. Many some democrats know this but their dishonesty prevents them from admitting it. The others are completely low information so wouldn't know anyway.

  12. Cry me a river , let's give em something to talk about.

  13. Good, glad it happened. When will those news agencies learn - we don't want any more fake news, period.

  14. A necessary protection of the People, by the People and for the People...to keep some from being brainwashed.

  15. I guess the MSM has forgotten how BO would selectively choose outlets for his pressers. He left Fox off the list several times as for 8 years he waged a war against the network. Also, remember how reporters had to run their stories by David Axelrod before they got the okay to publish? Selective amnesia, CNN et al.

  16. They need to stop their whining and sit down shut up and suck it up. They have no Constitutional right to be there. Obama banned FoxNews all the time from press conferences. Obama's DOJ (holder) even opened an investigation again FoxNews correspondent James Rosen which included tapping into his phone and his emails and even his parents info because of some allegations they dreamed up in order to get back at FoxNews.

  17. Odd thing is---- Obama did the exact same thing to Fox, Breitbart, and the NYPost when it suited him.

  18. Maybe they're planning a surprise party and they don't want them to find out.

  19. Behave and tell the truth and next family dinner you can sit at the big people's table.

  20. President Trump

    Take there seats away.ALL of them.

  21. love it......eventually those . fake news sites will go out of business.....look at the daily trash. I meant daily times

  22. 3:33. I'm glad someone else notices the miraculous phenomenon of seeing the same story and the same narrative on separate news outlets SIMULTANEOUSLY. TALK ABOUT COLLUSION!! MSM is so crooked!

  23. Has AL sharpton been Arrested yet ?

  24. Call me when Sharpton has been arrested....oh wait...that can't happen b/c then we will be asking for everyones tax returns.

  25. It's about time the media was exposed.

  26. CNN idiots are saying this is because when something comes out about russia and trump they will just say its fake cnn news.

  27. They need to arrest the lying criminal bitch Hillary!

  28. This is very bad. I'm a supporter of this administration, but squashing a free press, even if we don't agree with them, is very very bad. This is the first step toward despotism and "controlling what we think." We are aware of the lies the press tells, the people in power don't need to be controlling them. Let them spew their lies so we can make up our own minds what the truth is.

  29. 8:23. Your argument is based on a false assumption that there is a free press. As the last few years have shown, 90% of the media has a very far left liberal bias. It's one thing to report news, but when the MSM delivers a smear campaign every hour of every day, or worse- leaves out anything that might make POTUS look good, it is no longer a free press. It has now become a manufacturer of propaganda and false news.
    I wish it were a free press, but it's not. So, Trump has to go to extremes to battle the overwhelming force. I'm not happy with what he's doing, either...but I empathize with him.

  30. Where was all this outrage when Obama did this to Fox News all the time during his presidency? The fact is gaggles often have only a couple of 'invited' press correspondents. MSM in their hit plan just makes a big deal out of this because they think it makes Trump look bad but the reverse is true. Looks like the White House has a set and is ready to exert it's right to have who they want in the gaggles. Old adage. You get more bees with honey than vinegar. Maybe their mommas didn't teach them that in the big city.

  31. Good >> Keep em OUT !!!


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