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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Md. residents hiding in homes in fear of immigration sweeps

LANGLEY PARK, MD (WUSA9) - Residents of this heavily immigrant community outside Washington now report people are hiding in their homes at night, and some children are being kept home from school for fear of immigration enforcement sweeps that could break up families.

“They stay home at night. It’s just bad,” said Melissa Garcia.

A 12-year old student at the Silver Spring International School and her uncle claim some students are staying away from school while others are refusing to recite the “Pledge of Allegiance”.

“They’re afraid they might get deported or something like that,” said 7th grader Melissa Muganda, whose mother is an immigrant from Tanzania.



  1. if they are illegal, they should be afraid.
    send em all home now

    if they are legal, dont worry

  2. Good, if they are home, they are not out robing, killing, or raping people...

  3. Law breakers should hide.

  4. Good
    Wait long enough and then they will just self deport

  5. If they have something to hide, they will hide.
    If here legal, no need to hide.
    They need to be legal or the law should remove them, even law biding ones.
    Go U.S.A.!!!
    I don't care if democrat, republican, or what breed. Be it President Trump or President Whomever, do the right thing and enforce the laws you have in play.

  6. I just saw several American-looking men working on a landscape project next to Rte 50 - I had to look twice - they all looked like citizens!

  7. Moat all of the people on the WCSO press releases are are white/black us citizens with alcohol/drug problems.

  8. And we're supposed to feel sympathy for people who basically broke into our home? Talk about the perp becoming the victim. They need to be hounded out and arrest, deport back to their homeland with no expectation of re-entry. We don't need to import criminals. Thanks but no thanks.

  9. Many local farms and nurseries better watch their backs this season because ICE and DHS is going to be on their case constantly. I-9s are required and if false documents are presented it is up to the employers that received them to turn those illegals over to law enforcement. If they don't comply, they can go to jail for aiding and abetting. Hope they realize this fact. If they don't want to lose the farm, they'd better get with the program. No more watermelon bus! (For locals, you know exactly what I'm referring to because we've all seen it running around town.)

  10. WE folks as US Citizens need to do our part and help get rid of these criminals. What can we do? Easy, inform on them, and do citizens arrests. Under the laws of the United States a Citizen can arrest and detain someone that you know has broken the law and you witnessed it. Pretty easy to do if they're an Illegal, duh? I see you in my country illegally.

  11. Perhaps they should have tried to immigrate in the legal manner that is available to them.

  12. Haha good if they are hiding in their homes then it will be easier for ICE and authorities to round 'em up and ship them home.

  13. 1:59
    How do you decide which hispanic person you see working is illegal or not? Just going to call ICE every time you see a brown person?

    It might not be as easy as knowing that every black person you see is a drug dealer on welfare. (sarcasm)

    1. Really!!! What a smaller minded person that you are!!!

  14. They are not residents. They are trespassers.

  15. Yeah, refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. That'll look real good on your application for citizenship. Why don't you just put a target on yourself by drawing attention to your immigration status? They have no RIGHT to be here if they came by INVASION, and not through legal immigration.

  16. You are all such tools. Do you really think that a bunch of landscapers, drywall techs and cleaning women are a threat to America? They are the least powerful people in society. Rich and powerful people threaten America not the working poor. If fast food workers and house painters are going to bring down our country she is weak and deserves to fall

  17. 4:39

    They are also being paid cash, not paying taxes and sending most of the money out of the country. They are also using lots of public services.
    Yes, that is a threat to this country and if you can't see that then you are a fool

    1. I see them. Working 10 or12 hour days busting there butts holding down two jobs. These people aren't just taking, they are giving their all. They are the hardest working people in society. They aren't taking advantage of us. We are taking advantage of them.

    2. 5 39. Please read 4:39 again


  18. 4:39
    Wake up before it is too late.

  19. 5:39
    Then let them give their all in their own country.


  20. Not sorry for them ... they Knew they should Not have come here ILLEGALLY ..... tired of hearing them Wine !!!

    Tuff Tuff if they get Deported >>> So Long !!!

  21. For those refusing to recite thw PLEDGE, please stip them naked and whip hem until their skin is in shreds then deport them back to their third world hell where they belong. GOOD RIDDANCE!!

  22. STOP ALL IMMIGRATION > The Best Idea !!!

    This country is TOOO crowded now, and we need our own room
    to grow for our familys and kids to come......

    Unless you want it like China , (most of us Don't)

    Just look at Traffic today, Proof enough !!!!! Fact

    Why does every country think We have to keep taking more??

    We DON"T have to take ANY more .........Period

  23. SWEEP them Out !!!

  24. yep, that they stay home at night is really bad...not!

  25. 7:51 If you stop all immigration who is going to do all the coding/programming, surgeries and chemical engineering, and physics? It's not the students coming out of wicomico or somerset public schools.

    1. He can't answer, he's too drunk

  26. BAD BOYS ,bad boys, what you gonna do??? what ya gonna do

    When They come for You ?? Bad boys bad boys and girls !!!

  27. You can't be in a country illegally, period! There are ways to be here legally. Utilize them or be deported. Nothing wrong with that! Go, Trump!
    Signed, a Dem.

  28. Free trips to Cancun > Free Air incl via ICE !!!

  29. Actually, most of those people hiding in their homes are afraid of being mugged and/or raped by the gangs of thugs that are terrorizing the area. Where is the POLICE PROTECTION?? Maybe the Governor needs to send in the troops..


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