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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency

The far left thought they had it won! Four or eight years of Hillary, and their socialist agenda would be so completely enmeshed in our economic, political, cultural and educational system that the old America would be gone. Then came Trump to upset their apple cart.

But the left won’t let go easily. The immediate campaign to discredit Trump’s election gets uglier by the day. Trump is “unhinged”. He and his supporters are labeled “alt right” fascists and bigots. The specter of Nazis and a Hitler dictatorship is thrown around by hysterical Hollywood bubble heads and on university campuses. This kind of irresponsible demagoguery, assisted by the media is encouraging violence and anarchy. Funded by the Soros network and aided by Obama’s army of agitators, “spontaneous” protests will be led by professional protesters and joined by useful idiots. The goal – anarchy, breakdown of civil order and the rule of law-- and blame it on Trump….. Ellen Sauerbrey


  1. Obama turned his back on the black community except to agitate.

  2. That turd better be careful - this is tantamount to treason in attempting to overthrow the government - outside of the regular election process.

    We knew that he (and the dumbocrats that elected him twice) hates our country based on what he has done for the past eight years - this brings it out in the open.

    Send him to GITMO!

  3. Strip him and his family of all US tax payer benefits since this is an act of treason against the US Government. Confiscate all their assets and deport them back to the country the love better than the US. It is Africa, whether it is Kenya or which other African country he has associated with now.

  4. I just wish Obama and his family would go away forever.


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