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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

California spent on high-speed rail and illegal immigrants, but ignored Oroville Dam

The flood danger from the Oroville Dam receded Monday, but California was hit by a wave of criticism for failing to heed warnings about risks to the spillway at a time when the state spent generously on illegal immigrants and high-speed rail.

California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, came under fire amid reports that federal and state officials for years rebuffed or ignored calls to fortify the massive 50-year-old dam, which provides water to more than 20 million farmers and residential consumers.

“What’s Governor Brown doing?” former state Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, a Republican, asked in a Monday post on Facebook. “The same thing he’s been doing for decades — obstructing progress.”

A radio talk show host, Mr. Donnelly said California “has been so busy defying President Donald Trump in order to protect illegal aliens from deportation that it forgot to do the things government is supposed to do, like maintain infrastructure. Governor Brown is now going hat-in-hand to beg the Trump administration for emergency funds.”



  1. Infrastructure everywhere is in worsening shape. The levees in New Orleans were rebuilt (over $14B) still will not withstand another Cat 5 or Katrina type hurricane. Why not build them bigger like the Corps of Engineers requested? Understandably - Money! No money, no fixing.

    Obviously there are more roads/bridges not in the path of a weather catastrophe so why not fix them first??? Money!

  2. misuse of tax payer dollars is no excuse to want other tax payers from across the US to pay for their inept ways.

  3. California.... was to succeed from US because of Trump..... but they have their hand out to Trump already asking for $$$$$$'s

  4. Let the illegals fix it
    Oh thats right they don't need to work they live free.
    Sorry about CA luck. Don't send them anything.....

  5. If that dam had been anywhere near where illegals live,that dam would have been inspected and even rebuilt not just repaired temporarily


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