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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I gave her a room and now she wants some distance

Dear Carolyn: My little sister (late 20s) got married last year. Within months she found out her 30-year-old husband was cheating on her with a barely legal cashier at his job.

They tried to work things out, only for my sister to discover the affair was still going on and predated the wedding. She decided she was done, only now she was pregnant.

I decided to invite her to live with me and my family, which involved buying a new (and much more expensive) house.

Now she has decided to try to work things out with her husband, and will probably break her promise of a several years’ stay in our home. I can afford the new mortgage without her financial contribution, but not without serious lifestyle changes.



  1. Happy day after Valentines Day Wednesday Everybody!

    I cannot stop laughing at this story

    Thanks for the pick-me-up Joe...needed it on this dreary Hump Day!

  2. Looks like a case for Judge Judy!!!!
    Never do something like this until you get it in writing!!!!
    Especially when lending to a family member.
    This is how grudges that last a lifetime are made!!!!

  3. "Unpunished, Unpunished, you have no complaint,
    You are what you are and you ain't what you ain't.
    So listen up Buster and listen up good,
    Get on with your like you know that you should!

    Si-igned Dear Abby.

    ~John Prine, sort of...


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