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Friday, February 10, 2017

Ed Klein: Obama's Coming Crusade Against Trump

After three short days in rainy Southern California, Obama escaped the weather and boarded Sir Richard Branson's private jet for the British Virgin Islands. There, with his hat on backwards and wearing shades, Obama chilled out with his wife, Michelle.

Liberals don't have to worry: Obama intends to be the most politically active ex-president in modern times. He's tossing out the old rule book that says former presidents should remain silent for a decent interval to give their successors in the White House time and space to govern.

Spurred into action by his two significant others—Michelle and Valerie Jarrett—the 55-year-old ex-president is preparing to lead the progressive charge against President Donald Trump.

"He's planning to make speeches and speak out forcefully against Trump," said one of his friends. "He's going to fight Trump's executive actions, fire up the leftwing resistance to the Trump administration, and pave the way for the Democrats to retake Congress.

"He's been given assurances by George Soros and other liberal money men that they will make a mighty war chest available for his crusade against Trump," the friend continued.



  1. Hang Soros for treason.

  2. Like the nuclear option that Harry Reid invoked while the democrats were in power, Democrats will have to live with "what goes around, comes around." We will see the Republicans use it when the Democrats attempt to "Bork" the current SCOTUS nominee. When Trump leaves in four to eight years, the democrats can expect him to viciously attack any democrat candidate for the presidency, and any democrat president that succeeds him. The democrats are starting a dangerous new trend in politics. They can't expect the Republicans to not utilize the same tactics in the future, ESPECIALLY if the attacks are successful. It is our job, as Americans, to see that Obama, and his democrat, socialist, anarchist, minions are not successful in this attack on our democratic principles.

  3. Will not matter. Washed up punk will only have weight with the snowflakes that will never get their sh*t together.

  4. His opinion and interference will only strengthen Trumps base of followers

    After screwing us with Obamacare, no one cares what this backstabber has to say.

  5. Say it like it is, Soros has appointed Obama to be in charge of his "Shadow Government". Obama will be committing treason / over throw of US democracy. Obama and family should not be receiving any government retirement or benefits if he follows thru with this act of treason.

  6. While I'm sure he won't be especially complimentary of Trump, I don't think he'll say too much about about anything Trump does that expands the Executive Branch, which has been overstepping since FDR.


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