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Friday, February 10, 2017

Democrats’ path to power in the age of Trump is harder than it seems

BALTIMORE - House Democrats plotting strategy at their annual retreat this week see themselves on the rebound. But they have a long, hard road ahead.

As they gathered in Baltimore Wednesday for their three-day conference, congressional Democrats were unusually upbeat. Protests against President Donald Trump have been energetic and ongoing. Incumbent presidents' parties historically lose congressional seats in the mid-term election. And Donald Trump's approval ratings are unusually low for a new president.

“Two years from now we have have our best opportunity yet,” said Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio.

But the path to regaining political relevancy for House Democrats, who have 193 of the House’s 435 seats, remains an uphill climb, with the party’s support increasingly limited to the coasts and big cities.


Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/congress/article131538924.html#storylink=cpy


  1. They're delusional, as always.

  2. That's because they haven't figured out that the silent majority is still just that. Silent.

  3. Today's democrats will never be in power again! I am enjoying this meltdown more than I thought I ever could. This is better than watching Christmas Vacation for the first time.

  4. The bills the democrats are pushing to enact don't help Marylanders one bit so it's obvious they only work for their donors.


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