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Friday, February 10, 2017

Pelosi to Adopted Girl: Moms Should Be Able to 'Choose' To Kill Babies Like You

Fresh off a despicable hot mic slip urging a Muslim Congressman to play up his identity for political gain, former Speaker of the House and 100-year-old Democrat Nancy Pelosi made stomachs turn during a recent town hall event hosted by CNN's Jake Tapper.

Pelosi was confronted by a female college student who explained that her young mother found out she was pregnant with her in less than perfect circumstances, but she gave her up for adoption instead of aborting her. The woman bluntly asked Pelosi: Shouldn't all lives be given the same chance to thrive and succeed like I was?

Now, there was no way Pelosi, being the abortion fanatic that she is, was going to concede the obvious: of course all lives matter and no one should be killed in the womb under the guise of "choice." So instead, the Democrat decided to inform the young woman that she was happy her mother had the "choice" to kill her, although she didn't choose to.

Yup, seriously.



  1. What an evil, stupid person she is. Represents everything that is currently wrong with government. Be glad when these liberal Hippies from the Sixties generation are finally dead! They ideas and values have been the down fall of western society. May they burn in hell for what they have done in life!
    May she be reincarnated to be aborted from a liberal snowflake!

  2. the telling words Peolsi used was an admission she probably didn't want to use ---- Pelosi said "killing" her.
    Abortion kills a human.
    Go from there.

  3. Gradma needs to permanently come home (West Coast) and have her meds regulated daily and under supervisory care - PRONTO!!!!

  4. What is keeping that ladies head from caving in?

  5. Wonderful human being she is, just wonderful.

  6. I remember when pelosi came to OC and all the local stooge politicans omalley included couldn't wait to ram their heads up her butt. It was comical.

  7. Ok Dr. Jack cavorkian, Nancy Pelosi is next!


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