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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

You are looking at a future president of the US in Mr. Gowdy


  1. What a way to start the Day.
    Every member of Hollywood, should be forced to watch Mr. Gowdy ever day before they leave for WORK.
    God Help Us All.
    Thanks JOE

  2. Pretty sure he will be. God has blessed America with Mr. Gowdy.

  3. Who exactly is the "they" who is threatening to take down the video? If your point, or opinion, is so solid, there is no reason to lie as you attempt to prove it.

    1. Typical left fascist going after a word and ignoring the content... you ( left fascist) have cried wolf so much over 3000 counties voted Trump vs 51 to Crooked Clinton...

  4. 5:59 AM - that is how it was titled on YouTube. There is 9 minutes and 37 seconds of great content here but yet, with everything that Mr. Gowdy stated, you chose to comment on a simple title that was given to the video? Shame that you are so sad and narrow-minded. You actually know that Mr. Gowdy is correct but it bothers you somehow that he is. Hope you enjoy Saturday morning.

  5. He already has my vote

  6. He is my favorite in politics today.

  7. 4:40 before they go to work everyday ?
    I didn't think they go to work everyday like us real working people do.

  8. I am so glad to have seen this today. I may be wrong, but I made my kids watch this video this morning. The teachers in Delmar are discussing this very topic. It seemed that they were almost convinced that borders aren't needed these days. This video changed their thoughts. Now they are all in agreement with me that there should be no such thing as sanctuary cities for illegals. Sanctuaries should be for our citizens.

  9. Always been a fan of Trey. Frankly I think the democrats fear him so my suggestion to him is "watch your back". He was a successful criminal litigator and he is well prepared knowing his facts. He puts Elijah Cummings to shame.

  10. Not sure,because the newest Trump investigation is a knee jerk reaction to the newest Gowdy investigation of Hillary.The fact that he did not see that coming may rule out his ability to be President.

    1. Republicans will be in the White House for the next 8 to 16 years. Democrats are becoming more and more radical. Old school democrats like my family are going independent and republican almost monthly. The Dem party represents violence and destruction of fellow AMERICANS. The few democrats in our family that are left voted Trump. Democrats voting Nancy back in shows they have no intention of changing.

  11. He would have my vote for sure.

  12. Elijah Cummings puts himself to shame. He's such an embarrassment.

  13. Unfortunately, I am afraid it will be Corey Booker . . .

  14. something happen to video? Says private when clicked on and unavailable on you tube


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