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Friday, February 10, 2017

Rising Flu Cases Across Maryland

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– Health cases of the flu are increasing and spreading across the country including in Maryland.

Doctors are stressing how serious the illness can be. George Solis reports on how the virus is impacting families in the area.

Doctor’s stressing the seriousness of this widespread flu activity.

Recently, a teen in Maryland even died after her family combated a case of the virus.



  1. What do you expect when the govt always wants you sick so you are spending money???? They are wanting to take out anti-bacterial properties of soaps and other items, for the sake of anti-bacterial resistant stains of bacteria, and that sounds all good and all, but clearly it is to keep you sick, make it take longer to heal and everything else...

    1. ...it's because antibacterial soaps don't do anything for you. Better invest in some more tin foil.

  2. You are a fool with that thinking, an utterly ridiculous confused idiot! How many conspiracy theories are you currently trying to solve anyway?

  3. 11:39, You are out of touch with reality. When would the government want to knock someone off at the expense of losing that same tax payer?

  4. I've lost a few relatives in the past few month due to the flu.
    For the elderly, it's a killer!
    If you are sick or your children are sick with the flu, now is not the time to go visit the elderly.

  5. 11:39, Full Snow Moon and partial lunar eclipse tonite....how about you don't miss either!!!

    Wear a hat outside too, don't want you catching a cold!

  6. "Rising Flue"... is this something any guy would want, LOL!

  7. How fitting that the child in the photo appears to be Hispanic, and more than likely is. Anyone else get the correlation? Illegals are bringing more than crime, they are bringing their disease with them.


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