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Friday, January 20, 2017

Wicomico County Schools Allowed/Encouraged/Forced Obama Inauguration

Parkside Forcing Students To Watch Obama


  1. I am not sure on the forced issue, but I do think that with what has happened in the last year, students as well as adults need to bring about a change in our hearts and lives to heal this country.

  2. Oh how soon we forget. Hypocrisy on steroids...

  3. its not about the inauguration of trump. he is showing you Wicomico county schools made everyone watch Obama's Inauguration
    but said if you want your kids to watch trumps you need to keep them home so he showing you how two faced Wicomico county schools is

  4. As a former history teacher in Wicomico County (Republcan and conservative), I had my students watch every inauguration since 1972 up until I became an administrator in the mid 80's. it's history being made each time we peacefully exchange powers from one person to the next. Students should see this exchange of power regardless of their parents' or teachers' political views. It's what makes us the great country that we are. Hopefully we can we can instill in our hearts that we are all Americans even if we all have differing political views.

  5. Well wicomico school demographics now is 55% minority and counting..... I'm a student a parkside and we are watching It today, all up to the teachers to put it on


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