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Friday, January 20, 2017

Today’s Inauguration Day Trump Derangement Syndrome Brought To You By Most Of The Media

The day has finally arrived when Donald Trump, the most unlikely of candidates, will be inaugurated as America’s 45th President. Rather than attempting to show some hope, maybe offer some ideas for Mr. Trump, the national news media continues it’s meltdown. Here’s the NY Times Editorial Board, part of the paper that published an unsubstantiated hit piece on Trump’s Energy Dept pick, Rick Perry. Those layers and layers of fact checkers took a nap

Can President Trump Be Presidential?

A special strength of American democracy has been the desire of newly elected presidents to unite the public with healing words after the sound and fury of the campaign.

Now comes President-elect Donald Trump. He has won the office and yet has continued his vindictive, disruptive style of politicking. He has run a post-campaign that has corroded the traditional grace period of considerate political transition that the nation needs. The hope of citizens for a better future, for a sense of uplift, has wound up hostage to his impetuous Twitter attacks on individuals, institutions and nations. (snip)

Mr. Obama’s final news conference this week was a study in the sort of intelligent public speaking on complex issues that has characterized his eight years of scandal-free governance. It was leavened with a bit of self-deprecation, as Mr. Obama referred to “No-Drama Obama” in noting his own optimism, as if mindful of the years of melodramatics that might follow.


1 comment:

  1. The author of this article needs to get on with life and support this president as we have as a nation for hundreds of years. I may not have agreed with Obama for the most part at least his 2nd term I did not like Obama but he was to be respected. We need to act like adults and conduct ourselves as adults life is not perfect but as the old John Lennon song stated "give peace a chance".


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