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Sunday, January 29, 2017

This Is What A $15.00 An Hour Minimum Wage Demand Brings


  1. I would rather be out of a job with my time back to do something else productive than spend my days wasting away on a wage that won't allow me to ever get ahead.

    And NO this is not because of $15 an hour. This has been going on throughout all industries for over a decade (tech replacing people). You people seem to have no problem with corporations demanding a price for their products and services. Thats capitalism right? But you are too foolish to understand that workers also can come together to demand a higher price for their services.

    1. Is it MY fault you want to quit school and make McDonalds a full time job until your 65 ?

  2. That is not necessarily true. It is not solely about $15. It is more about big big profits.

    And if you had a moral compass, you would not eat there.
    Simply because they do not pay sustainable wages, and make their workers live off welfare that we get to subsidize by paying more taxes.

    Why do you print these lies?

  3. They should have consulted with Wawa because the McDs kiosk is horrible. You still end up needing to talk to person most of the time.

  4. They have BIG MAC atm's now too, where it warms up your food inside the machine and you just pay and a few minutes later your mac is out... They might add other foods too...

    So there you have it, I was right yet again, I said you all would lose your jobs over robots and machines and damn if your not... Also, You all thought you were worth 15 bucks and hour to make a damn sandwich, which you are not becasue you can't read a prompter right to make the food right... The fast food industry needs 15 bucks an hour that is for sure, but not every worker because some just don't get it and are to stupid or can't read or don't care or vindictively make your food wrong...

    Hows that 15 an hour working for you all now? Dumb asses

    Just like when Trump puts a 20 percent tax on Mexican goods, who the F do you think is going to pay that? WE are the consumer you idiots... Every company pushes cost off on the consumer, yet you all cheered when Trump said he would make all Americans pay higher prices for good coming from mexico... And who do you think this all helps? Certain unions, but you are to stupid to know that or look into it and as such you would rather just sit on your fat ass complaining and running your mouth on here about how you n ow this or that and how everyone who has first hand knowledge is wrong...

  5. This action is all up to the employer regardless.

  6. I don't eat those goat burgers anyway

  7. Prime example is Walmart. We'd save BILLIONS in welfare and govt assistance if they paid their workers a fair wage. That's the bad side of capitalism for you

  8. I think you will see more and more of this as a response to the higher minimum wage. I guess they have to make up the difference somewhere! I like this better anyway. Less chance of a mistake with your order. Puts the burden on the customer. Less confrontation as well!

  9. 1:57 I think the "beef" comes from Australia so probably kangaroo.

  10. I don't know what the answer is but it's true-tax payers are subsidizing low wage earners while the companies are reaping the benefits. Every time taxes are raised, fees implemented etc it is a direct result of government welfare benefits. Contrary to popular belief most receiving benefits are the working poor. This affects everyone in not only more money paid to the government but in property values dropping because these workers can't afford to buy homes.


  11. The actual 'bottom line' is that all jobs are only worth so much to an employer. Big boss or lowly peon. You can't spend red ink indefinitely.

    In the 'for profit' world you personally need to generate far more revenue than your earnings in order for the various types of overhead to be covered, and that's before any is left over to be taxed; finally the residue is called profit.

    In a free market employers compete for the best workers and pay what is needed to attract and keep them. Workers shop for the best job, and pay is certainly a factor in what they seek and what keeps them there.

    The equation is similar but not identical for those in subsidized (government) or not-for-profit jobs.

    When wages are doubled over a short time by law and not by productivity something has to give...and it's the low skill help checking their phones who get replaced...by ordering machines that don't get paid, don't call in sick, don't require Medicare, Social Security, unemployment, benefit costs.

    Entirely predictable. But it's so good for self-esteem to be unemployed at $15 rather than working for $10!

  12. If you are a grown mature adult and all you can get is a minimum wage job, then you are an idiot.

    1. At least they are working. In 96 i worked as a Gna making 6.40 a few dollars more than minimal wage. Dont judge the employed

  13. Most people shouldn't be eating at these places anyway. This is why America is so fat.

  14. Its the law of supply and demand. Its the most basic principle of economic. 15 and hour was never realistic. All it did was speed up the process of automating your job.

  15. 1:47 PM you are not the brightest crayon in the box.
    They are already making $15+ an hour with all the taxpayer benefits they are getting and guess who is paying for it.



  16. 2:53 PM AND then you have the greedy employer who do not respect their employees, treats them like a commodity instead of a human being, who can easily afford to pay them more but doesn't and makes all his money off their backs, and then acts like some rich jerk as if he did it all himself.

    Sound familiar?

    And you keep whining about higher taxes because you are paying what he isn't, in welfare.

    You can join 1:47 PM in the dull crayon box

  17. 2:17 PM thank you, finally an intelligent comment.

  18. 2:43 PM thank you, another intelligent comment

  19. What those idiots don't realize is when they get $15.00 an hour that $1 menu at McDonald's is going to be a $5 menu. But if they were smart enough for that they wouldn't be working that entry level job Still.

  20. Then what happens to people who are state certified and have to constantly have to do classes and recerts and more education and most of them do not make$15 an hour, but a fast food worker making a sandwich makes the same or more.WTH. Their skill making sandwiches does not compare to other jobs and certainly is not worth $15 an hour.

  21. Fast food joints in my days were for teenaged who only worked part time and this was a starter job. Chance to learn responsibility, get some respect for working and to have a little spending money, not a career choice!

  22. Amazing how people can be so judgemental on here. These corporations are making millions of dollars and paying their workers pennies. A dime wouldnt hurt. I dnt want the bottom of the barrel handling my food eeel

  23. Looks like the Cambridge, MD location. They have several kiosks now.

  24. See all the McD's undergoing renovations right now? That's what you'll see when they reopen.

  25. When humans cost more than the value they produce, and automation can do their jobs more efficiently, then automation will take over the human jobs. Fast food is no different than any other industry. It's the smart and economical thing to do, and an unintended consequence of demands for higher wages for menial jobs. This lesson is lost on the unskilled and under-educated employees in the fast food industry.

    1. The CEO is getting rich, perhaps he should take a pay cut or jump out of a plane with his golden parachute. That's the person who is sucking up all the company profits, no the lowly workers. Burgers could still be cheap if CEO got less and workers got more.

  26. Wow lots of people love the nany state when it works for them, If you are qualified and you don't think your making what you should, then get off your fat ass and find another job!

  27. Anon 1:47 You seem not to get it. We don't have to pay more if the company moves back to the United States where they started from. This will get more companies to come back to the U.S. By doing that they will create more American jobs and not have to pay the 20% tax. It will also be Trump's way of getting mexico to pay for the wall. I knew from the beginning when mexico says they won't pay. They will pay in the long run through extra taxes on goods coming into the U.S. Trump is a smart business man and if we did this sooner we could have saved hundreds of thousands of jobs from going to Mexico. If I owned that company in mexico i would be smart enough to see if i move back to the U.S. bottom line looks better now.

  28. 9:11 So they are going to move the avocado trees, lime trees and agave plants to the US. Corona is going to be made here instead of Mexico? THe tax will be added to everything coming from Mexico not just products made there for US companies. The american consumer will pay twice for the wall. Income taxes to build it, then 20% increase in costs of anything from Mexico.

  29. They better get better burgers or CLOSE!!!

    They have gone to hell
    The only decent food is the breakfast food
    Burgers and chicken nuggets...awful and cheap quality !!!

  30. All about PROFIT at the expense of QUALITY !!!

    Only decent burger these days is at Hardees !!!

    McDonald's and Burger King Gone to Hell ..........

  31. Can't believe alot of people don't complain over the food
    there at McDonald's and Burger King ....All over America

    The friggi'n burger about the size of a quarter ..Big Rip-
    Off ....... Raping the consumer !!!!!!!

  32. Worst Junk Food in History !

    Ripp'in Off the Public / Need Boycot !!

  33. Some high up mngr or CEO needs to "Get some Nuggets" and
    Bring back some good Food
    Fix the Main thing > Burgers > make like they used to be


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