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Sunday, January 29, 2017

A Message From Martin O'Malley

I want to personally thank you for coming to the Women’s March on Washington in DC, attending a Sister March, donating to support the cause, or joining in solidarity. Whether we connected or not in the tremendous crowd, we were all there together.

I hope this weekend was a hugely empowering experience for you as it was for me and my family. After all, democracies don’t take their cues from top-down; democracies respond to the masses. And if President Trump thinks he can shred our health care or discriminate against our fellow citizens, he will find even bigger crowds marching on Washington.

Keep hope alive.

Yours truly,



  1. This idiot needs to just fade away. The exact mentality that I can not wait to get away from by leaving MD.

  2. Marty needs a mental health assessment done and I mean now. There hasn't been a more delusional person alive since Che.

  3. Oh lord, I thought liberal went off into the sunset.

  4. Why do people continue to refer to our government as a Democracy? It is a REPUBLIC.

  5. Oh he would thank the degenerates. He's so vulgar and crude. His approval goes to show what an ill bred low class thing he is. All the vulgarity and profanity was his level. And why he feels so compelled to always try and make himself relevant is a mystery. A sad sad little man who always needs to have approval,

  6. 6:36 am, because they did not pay attention in civics class, back when it was taught properly.

    Today, kids are taught the word democracy and truly believe our country is just that. I argued with my kids about this, they brought me their social studies books, I brought out the dictionary. It was settled real quick.

  7. Is he teaching his teen girls to become disgusting feminists ?

  8. Free Congressional health care for all 300 million Americans... equality!

  9. Why embarrass the whole family with a photo? Which one is he?

  10. WILL his daughters be wearing those hats?

  11. O'Malley = Libtard

  12. You can't call yourself a catholic and support a demonstration where abortion is promoted.

  13. Please stop giving O'malley any coverage on your blog. He is a L O S E R! He is so out of step - he just doesn't matter.

  14. Is that Marty pandering to the welfare crowd again? Dont take my Medicaid! Because thats the only class of people in jeopardy are the expanded welfare class which was bought and paid for by the Fed (taxpayers!)

    The rest of us who have no insurance because it was too expensive are more than delighted that this illegal sham is put in the grave.

  15. We contribute to his illness by publishing his meaningless opinion.

  16. 7:13 God Bless you. We need to start a crusade on the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. It's a fine line to be sure but one perfect example is the electoral college. Since there have now been two Republicans presidents whom the left keeps arguing were not voted by the majority it seems more critical than ever to teach those differences.
    I for one continue to refer to our country as a Republic.

  17. Sure am glad they got the dog in that shot, the true metro sexual man

  18. Owe'Malley is a clown.

  19. They (Dems) and he are grasping!

  20. Future swap dwellers.

  21. "WILL his daughters be wearing those hats?"

    Where is HIS p*ssy hat? You know he's got one.

  22. He should not be raising daughters.

  23. Democracy = mob rule.

  24. The dog i gess is the smartest one in the picture.

  25. This is why he isnt governor anymore


  26. Good looking family,

    If he only had a brain!

  27. He was bent on breaking Maryland....Send him to California to help them out with the rest of the snowflakes!!!

  28. This guy is a special kind of stupid isn't he.lol


  29. This clueless egomaniac was running for president and got exactly no, zero, nada, zilch traction against two aged hippies.

    Despite chaining MD citizens with overpriced 'alternative' energy sources the light still hasn't gone on for OweMalley.

  30. How long do you think the line would be for persons desiring to put their foot up his a_ _? I would say pretty darn long, but I would definitely stand in it for my turn. Here is to wishing him nothing but the worst in the future!

  31. would someone give that man a job? What a big loser

  32. If Marty is for something, you know the correct position is against it. What a loser. How much embarrassment can he endure and put his family through?

  33. I feel sorry for the dog

  34. He is probably sitting home trying to figure out how to tax the next march.
    Rain tax...really It's sad for me to think part of my paycheck is going to his retirement.

  35. 818 is right, the poor dog deserves much better

  36. did you notice the dogs' head leans to the left

  37. He's a loser in more ways than one! He needs to get out of politics and move on with maybe something he can actually do (if there is anything). We don't give a d*** what you think Mr Owe Malley!


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