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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Md. State Police Classes Down By Half, Recruitment Is Priority

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Maryland State Police are on the hunt tonight. Not for suspects, but for new troopers.

Recruiting tools range from the internet to movie theaters.

The campaign has a dash of Hollywood, and it’s a five-year, $100,000 effort.

“What we’re trying to do is communicate a message of exciting careers with a purpose,” says Major Dalaine Brady.

“So we are on Facebook, we are on YouTube, we have been in movie theaters.”



  1. And what does Baltimore and Black Lives Matter have to do with the low recruitment numbers?

  2. There you go SPD Officers. You have a easy way out now. And to think it is going to be easy to back fill all the vacancies within our local SPD. More to leave thanks to Barbs.......

  3. Ask the recruits if they would give there mom a ticket if they yes there hired.

  4. Why would anyone want to be a Trooper.
    They go out and put their lives on the line and their hands are tied.
    If they are fired on they have to know the ethnic background of the perp before they can return fire. Otherwise they may start a riot for protecting a life or lives.

  5. maybe sp should change some of their policies and then maybe people would WANT to become troopers? just a thought.

  6. If they would let pot smokers in as recruits. I would bet that they would have double the class size.

  7. I would rather be a Real Cop.

  8. No one wants to be a Trooper anymore. No one wants to be in law enforcement period. Troopers are not compensated well, they have substandard equipment and are constantly under a magnifying glass regarding split second decisions made under extreme stress. Add to that an entire generation that is all about themselves and it equals a career that is not worth the stress, headaches and shift work. When you have "leaders" (word used very loosely) like Brent Black who will stab you in the back and throw you under the bus to make himself look better, why bother. There is no loyalty, family or brotherhood in MSP anymore. You have to worry, not only, about the criminals but also your own co-workers screwing you over. MSP will claim that they do not hire, promote, transfer or discipline employees based on race, sex, creed or religious beliefs. Yeah, ok. When African American and female applicants are given priority and current "minorities" are promoted over others, educated people can see the writing on the wall and will distance themselves from an organization that is built on lies and false promises. Integrity, fairness and service are the buzz words used to describe the core values of MSP. Sadly, the people at the very top of the organization have no idea what those worlds mean.

    1. And real cops aint under a microscope ??

    2. It says "no one wants to be in law enforcement period". It referenced ALL law enforcement.

  9. At least Dalaine Brady earned and deserves every promotion and rank she has achieved. She is truly a hard worker who wants to make a difference. Pallozzi and Laura Lu "Pee Wee" Herman, eh, not so much.

  10. Thank you for the job troopers and all first responders we are proud of you and I hope you get the help you need and all the respect you are due.

  11. Thank you to Governor Hogan who supports Maryland State Troopers (and all law enforcement) and is trying to bring up their salaries and improve things after all the damage done by O'Malley. O'Malley was a disgrace in the way he treated MSP as well as the State as a whole. Governor Hogan - your support does not go un-noticed.

  12. its a shame ppl would rather not be a cop then be a cop and have to treat ppl fairly. "under a microscope"? Lol no, just no longer allowed to tell heinous lies and get away with it because of video evidence.

    1. Yeah, because that happens SOOO often. Under a microscope refers to the armchair quarterbacking by supervisors of every decision an officer makes.

    2. same way it will get thugs 20 yrs under Trump baby )

  13. I am a retired police officer and in my opinion nobody wants to be a police officer today because of Obama. He has made it so that there is a target on your back every time you put that badge on and go to work. Police used to be respected and not taken for granted. But the same people that are shooting randomly at any police officer in sight are the same ones that call the police for help when their lives are in danger. So it is going to get harder and harder to get good applicants for police jobs just because it is much more dangerous today than it used to be. Thanks Obama.

    1. you can also blame
      valarie jaret

  14. Obama and henchmen Democrat's have painted a bulls-eye on the back of every police officer in the country.

  15. Over Paid Ticket writers !!! That's what they are !!!

  16. Real Police are the city Police !!! And they should get
    State Pay level , while MSP gets city pay level !!!!

    MSP should have to work in a Prison for 2 years

    That will Break them of their excessive Ticket Writing !!

    Or make them work in a school 2 yrs for school security !!

  17. Have seen Them SPEED more than anyone else...and they
    were Not going to any call....Just because they Can !!!

    ALso they set up Radar on Private Property ....these
    tickets they should LOOSE in court !!!

  18. well sir, 20 years ago the internet was just getting started, smartphones with recording capabilities were not yet out I don't think, there weren't cameras on every corner, most people didn't have dash cams back then.

    So while cops might have been more respected (feared) back then, their misdeeds and lies were not in the forefront then or so easily shown and proven as today.

    And then there is the issue of returning vets going into law enforcement. Some of these same vets with PTSD, drug dependence and a host of other issues being allowed to wear a badge, gun, and do pretty much what they want to do and what they did do in a war zone.

    I think police in general have an image problem more so than a "quality" of cop problem. The same quality may be the same or close to what it has always been, it is just more widely available to the general public now that it was in the past.

    Cell phone videos of police abuse, web sites that track how many people cops kill in a year, bad cops that do get fired, occasionally, that are made to be reinstated due to unions, sworn police testimony that is contradicted by video, etc. You should get the point.

    We keep being told about the "one bad apple", or the 1% bad cops, and it's always referenced by "the same in all occupations". That wears thin when nothing is done to remove those bad apples or get rid of the bad 1%.

    "Under a microscope"? I think it is more of the public being AWARE. You can't get away with all the things that you got away with in the past. And even then, you are seldom punished or held accountable for misdeeds when caught, even in the rare cases that are even prosecuted.

    So let's be real shall we? Police are the governments muscle just like the national guard is the governments muscle but used at a less often rate.

    Police in general enforce whichever laws some politicians enact. They generate revenue for their respective branch of government, file reports of accidents and crimes committed. And investigate some crimes and even solve a few.

    This sounds like I am bashing cops and this is a hit piece. I really didn't intend for it to be. But if you can't be honest with the public, the same public that is suspicious of you, can see through the lies, the same public that feel mistreated by you, your image and recruit ability will continue to suffer.

    1. Name a cop that was on mainstream media for shooting that was convicted by a jury or judge? Your 10 paragraph story in the COMMENT section is propaganda. Less police means more predators and I think your a PREDATOR.

  19. ALso they set up Radar on Private Property ....these
    tickets they should LOOSE in court !!!

    January 24, 2017 at 8:42 PM

    If the property owner gives them permission, they are allowed to be there so those tickets will probably not LOSE, not loose.

    1. The word is "LOSE" not "LOOSE". LOSE is the opposite of WIN. LOOSE is a description of your mother. You're welcome for the English lesson.

  20. Hey 3:09. You hit the nail right on the head Mark. More internals will be flying bc someone's feelings are hurt by the truth. Sorry soon to be Major.....Tough being the King....

  21. You have the Colonel of MSP, the man leading the organization, who has no integrity and intentionally circumvents Maryland law. Yet he holds everyone else accountable to standards that don't apply to the higher ranks. This man, mysteriously retires on December 31st, walking away from the DROP program where he stands to make a large sum of money. Everyone knows that he is being hired as the next Superintendent of MSP. The problem is, he has to have a 45 day separation from state employment before he can be rehired. He lies to everyone and says that this is not the case. Maryland law says you cannot discuss or negotiate reemployment during those 45 days of separation. Miraculously, he is rehired on February 15th as the Superintendent. Exactly 45 days after he "retired". It was all planned and violates the law. He looked active Troopers in the eye and lied to their faces. But, he has integrity and is the one holding everyone else accountable. And they wonder why no one wants to join the ranks.

  22. lmao! great news folks, thought they were really stretching for top notch candidates before? well guess what, we won't have detectives capable of investigating a crime and tracking down the suspects. Nope we just gonna end up with a lot more barney's with guns playing government revenuer! get out your wallets!

  23. As President Trump would say, the media is dishonest, fake news. Just like the BS spread on this post.
    For the disheartened citizens on here that challenge law enforcement, here is your chance to make a difference. The article is calling for applicants. You know darn well it is a better employment career than you have or you wouldn't be so jealous. Go ahead boys and girls or is it you know you wouldn't get pass the background check, not alone successfully pass the physical and mental abuse the trainee endures.
    Thank you to all wearing the uniform! Oh, be careful out there.

  24. Get Gestapo training and a job where the public pretty much hates you. Put that on the recruitment poster.

  25. 12;00 MENTAL ABUSE? LMAO, you want mental abuse join the marines. just a bunch of napolean's waiting for the boss to give em orders to get out there and rob the public at gunpoint. don't worry about the heroin epidemic, the drugs, the gangs, the shootings, the stabbings, the burglaries, just get out there and do what we tell ya, generate revenue! yeah sign me up! anyone with a brain knows they can make just as much if not more and not be subjected to the states propaganda BS!
    As Major Doyle (MSP) told a group here in salisbury many years ago, MSP is not here to protect you, they are here to protect the state!
    GOT IT?

    1. Police is a 6 months boot camp the. Year with Fto. Then your on your own running and gunning... marines is 12 weeks of boot camp then you don't touch a loaded gun again unless allowed, mostly never. No money total waste of time. Everything has to be locked our your fellow marines still everything. Go to a bar guaranteed to be jumped by fellow marines. Cool commercials thou.

  26. Don't need more Ticket Writers ...need Real Cops !!


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