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Friday, January 20, 2017

LIVE FEED: #Inauguration protests turning violent in Northwest DC.

Click READ MORE below to see additional live feeds


  1. Hell with the flash bangs!! Bring out the live ammo!!
    Love to see that on live feeds.

  2. NOT protesters.... Just a bunch of thugs trying to make a profit out of an event..

  3. thank god we have WTTG here in OC...sitting back enjoying my TGIF (hiccup) while snowflakes complain and whine about not getting their way. OFF to jail as well they should!!!!

    Don't take action in DC, then it will lead to other cities - and I'm afraid the other cities won't be so nice either!

    Time to get back to work folks and NOW!

  4. The rioters (they are not protesters) are unemployed thugs who will only bitch and complain. President Trump supporters there actually had to take off work today.

  5. The only reason they are doing this is because for 8 years, o has been protecting them and not doing anything to them for creating violence. All it would take is for the cops to shoot one of them, and they would disperse like the sorry crap they really are!

  6. Send in the Bikers for Trump!

  7. I hope those no good rioters get their a**es kicked!!

  8. Hurt a few and they will run home and hide

  9. Rioting is not protesting!


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