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Friday, January 20, 2017

Rand Paul Doubles Down: Someone Needs To Go To Jail For Fake Trump Leaks

"This was either leaked by intelligence officials or by Democrats that are part of the elite"

In a strong performance on fake news channel CNN Tuesday evening, Senator Rand Paul doubled down on comments he made last week, saying “somebody should go to jail” for leaking fake intelligence regarding Donald Trump and the Russian government.

“I think it’s unseemly that people in our intelligence community, the CIA director, is out there giving press conferences, criticizing the incoming president — I think that’s inexcusable and I would not have anybody in the CIA that’s publicly criticizing the president.” Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, who has continued to defend CNN’s coverage of the Trump/Russia blackmail fake news story.



  1. Time to start charging and prosecuting these people long past due.

  2. Well, if Hillary hasn't been locked up yet for everything she did, it may not happen.


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