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Sunday, December 04, 2016

White House: Obama Proud No ‘Major Personal Scandal’ Occurred in His Administration

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Monday that President Obama is proud that no one in his administration has suffered a “major personal scandal” during his time in office.

The comment came at the White House daily press briefing during a discussion about former CIA Director David Petraeus’ past guilty plea of mishandling classified information.

Bloomberg reporter Justin Sink asked if the Obama administration believes it is a “guiding principle” that someone who has such a charge levied against them should be barred from serving as a senior official in the U.S. government.

“Just as a guiding principle, does the president–or does the administration believe that somebody who’s had severe classification issues, for which they’ve been convicted, should hold senior positions in the United States government?” he asked.

Earnest said that each president is going to “have to decide for themselves” who they name as senior officials and “what kind of person” they want to fill each position.

“President Obama obviously took that responsibility very seriously and assembled a team that he’s quite proud of to serve him and the country, and the president has spoken at some length about how proud he is that there hasn’t been a major personal scandal in his administration,” he said.

Earnest emphasized the personal character of the people Obama chose to serve in his administration..

More here (yes, there's more..)


  1. This article makes me sick. The man is completely out of his mind. The entire administration including him have been totally without any merit and willing to lie, cheat, and steal their way to the so-called top rung of the ladder. He is the biggest liar of them all. Every person is appointed has deceived and lied to the public.


  2. Couldn't click on the link; laughing too hard.

    Eric Holder
    Loretta Lynch
    Mrs. Bill Clinton

    for starters....

  3. “Just as a guiding principle, does the president–or does the administration believe that somebody who’s had severe classification issues, for which they’ve been convicted, should hold senior positions in the United States government?”

    In plain English, this means, if you prosecute Hillary, I will pardon her just like you will need to do for Petraeus.

  4. No personal scandal ?

    How can yoy have a scandal when you spend most of your time on the golf course or smoking pot?

    1. He was on the golf course because he wanted to be there and he didn't have to ask permission. He is allowed time to do other things. Smoking pot??? You don't even believe that yourself. You're just trying to make up something to tarnish his name and legacy. Not gonna happen.

  5. What about he ones you swept under rug

  6. Biggest race baiting pro islam president Ever.

  7. Not even ONCE have you opened your mouth without spewing lies. Your entire administration is beyond a scandal...its an abomination.

  8. Really?
    Wow this guy is soooooo in love with himself

  9. IMHO - his whole administration has been entrenched in scandals. Look at our nations GDP (virtually 0 growth) for almost a decade now.

  10. Go back to the golf course where you have been most of the time and belong. (map)

  11. Obama is such a moron. We have never had a President that was this stupid.

  12. Good bye to the worst, the most stupid, the most incompetent, the greatest buffoon to EVER be president.
    Every time I hear one of his dumbace supporters cry, whine, wail, or moan, it gladdens my heart.
    Our world standing, our economy, our infrastructure, our race relations, our space program, and MANY other facets of our existence ALL declined under this monkey pretender of a president.
    We have MILLIONS not even looking for a job anymore. We have to ASK Russia if we can use their rockets to go into space.
    Our enemies fly combat aircraft in attack profiles against our Navy (and we just tell them how dangerous it is --- like they didn't already know that).
    Oh yeah. Don't you bootlicking namby pamby girlie boy sissies forget


    You're going to have a LOT of fun paying THAT off. thank obama when you write your check.

  13. No scandals?


    How about the first First Tranny Lady?

    How about the secret adopted children of the fake couple occupying the White House?

  14. Hold out for better news. The Obama children should soon amount their passage through the GED program. There is no more time for vacation when time stops. Some think that Pelosi put a stop to this.

  15. Does Benghazi ring a bell?

  16. a consummate liar.

  17. Wait a sec...didn't some of his appointees fail to pay income taxes? Like Tim Geithner (among others in the administration)? How about the Secret Service lining up prostitutes in Colombia? Eric Holder finds it "too hard" to prosecute the Big Banks and lands a cushy job representing the same banks when he leaves the Attorney General's office. I guess we should give certificates or medals or Nobel prizes for not having an affair in office. BTW I do agree that Petraeus should no longer be allowed to hold a high position within the government.

  18. He should be ashamed of his term he could never say Islamic Terrorism, he did not back our police when they were shot over periods of shootings. He has done nothing but promote racism and made this country more racists then when Martin Luther King marched. He is a disgrace to his people, the country and in front of our allies he has made a joke of the office he has served.

  19. Josh Earnest and Jay Carney. Watch either one of them, or both, if you need to vomit profusely.

  20. Really? I can think of several scandals involving obammy's admin just off the top of my head. He is quite the delusional fraud.

  21. Some of you will never accept President Obama no matter what he does, says or don't say or do. Your disrespect is overwhelming and unfair and your comments are so ignorant. Trump will get the same disrespect that you have shown President Obama and yet President Obama has proven himself to be a class act, amid all the negative, derogatory things that people have said.

  22. does Pres Osama get to take his teleprompter with him when he gets his candy ass out of Mr Trumps home

  23. 6:52....Did you take notice of any of the above observations?
    20 TRILLION in debt. Fast and Furious (a cop was killed), the IRS, the unbelievable lying ("I found out the same time YOU did, by watching the news"), transparency ("I'll have the most transparent administration EVER") race relations, and the list is pages long. MY GOD, are you THAT uninformed?
    Lastly, maybe now we can find out how and why your hero is using the SSN of a dead guy in Connecticutt. I can't wait to hear that one.

  24. His entire past eight years in the WH has been one scandal after another. He just tried to suppress them through the MSM. Remember when he said in the beginning not to watch Fox News because they just reported hearsay and gossip? The were independent enough to report fairly his misdoings. What a loser he turned out to be!

  25. 6:52 PM: There were 27 comments including yours. You are the only one defending Obama. Does that tell you something? The only thing you said that I will agree with is that I will never accept Obama. Never did, never have, never will.

  26. I agree with 6:52 so now there are two of us defending President Obama; couldn't care less about the others. People will never accept Trump either.


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