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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Justice for the People...Judgement for a Former Chief of Police

It was an interesting day in Worcester County Circuit Court today. Former Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell went on trial for misconduct in his official capacity as a law enforcement leader. The case was not brought by local authorities; in fact it was prosecuted through an Office of the Maryland Attorney General that deals with corruption of public officials.

Sewell was dismissed by his former employer amid a cloud of questionable activities he directed or allowed as the chief. He played the race card hard and loud while his accusers were forced to remain silent due to ongoing investigations and potential litigation. In fact, with the exception of social media, his was the only voice being heard. Today, the true voice of justice resonated in a Worcester County Circuit Court with a jury of his peers.

It seems one of Sewell’s buddies (a Masonic Lodge brother and ECI Corrections Officer) got drunk and could not even drive the 7 blocks to his home without ramming two parked cars with enough force to rip off one of his front wheels! In a true November miracle, his buddy was able to flee the scene of the accident and limp his three wheel wonder vehicle back to his house. In a state of self declared “panic”...he placed a call to a magical cell phone number. In a flash, the former chief responded to the distress. He arrived on the scene, commandeered the investigation, and spelled out to his lowest ranking officer that she would record this as an “accident” as opposed to the hit and run it was in the real world. He also answered questions for his buddy when the lowly subordinate simply asked his Masonic brother, “Have you been drinking?” The incident was recorded as commanded by the chief, signed off by one of his hand picked lieutenants, and considered a perk of his position and a display of his power...and it was corrupt.

There were many other instances, but this one had the witnesses who could not be undone. After reviewing them with a Grand Jury, the State chose this as a representative instance of what the former chief was all about.

Chief Sewell had a problem with power, but he cut his teeth in a cesspool of corruption and learned from the worst in Baltimore City. The same place he left in a cloud before arriving on the doorsteps of Pocomoke City. His integrity has previously been challenged by the FBI, and today it was challenged by the State of Maryland.

Today, a jury of his peers believed the testimony of several others over the hue and cry of former chief Sewell. He did not tell the truth, he compromised his Office, and the jury called him out on it without the need to deliberate for very long.

The sentence was three years suspended with probation. Laws in Maryland will make him a prohibited person when it comes to handgun possession, so this should also be the end of a very sordid career for a guy that could have been a game changer. Instead, he chose to be a tyrant. He lied to people who trusted him and broke the public trust and he has no one to blame but himself.

Good cops spoke up today, and their voice was believed by the people they serve and protect. It was a great day for justice in our small corner of America.


  1. He got off technically. He should have a more severe punishment.

  2. Great article Joe.

    I am however, surprised by your reporting. You have mentioned masonry in this article and pointed out that the Chief defended his masonic brother. Thank you for pointing it out.

    Here is what i believe is even more relevant for the story: Fellow masons MUST defend their brothers. Period. They consider themselves to be qualitatively better people than regular people. The Chief had no choice but defend the mason.

    I just think it is important for the readers to understand the significance of freemasonry. It is a secret organization where the members swear a BLOOD OATH to each other.

    This is why politicians should never be elected if they are members of this secret brotherhood. Their allegiance is toward the secret group. Not the public.

    Thank you

    1. Good comment. I was thinking the same thing.

    2. Sorry zipnut the law comes first case closed...

  3. If a cop can get 3 years for that then bobby jones, Kristy Hickman, George Nelson probably could get 20. What a joke. This is a average month in somerset. And before you haters want to show support for who I mentioned I will give dates times and incidents of cover ups.

    1. They should be investigating Bruce Morrison, Russell Blake, the Worcester County Sheriff's office, as well.

  4. Someone was shot to death in Pocomoke tonight.

  5. So when does every single cop in the country ,especially here on the shore go to trial? This man has done nothing that any other cop has hasn't done before. The good Ole boy system is alive and well here. Only when enough of them are pissed off or a power player flexes "bribes" a good ole boy connection will a cop cross that thin blue line. Don't give these snitching cops any kudos. Not until they testify against every cop they've ever worked with.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If a cop can get 3 years for that then bobby jones, Kristy Hickman, George Nelson probably could get 20. What a joke. This is a average month in somerset. And before you haters want to show support for who I mentioned I will give dates times and incidents of cover ups.

    December 1, 2016 at 11:03 PM

    Ok what did George Nelson do? I notice he has been in Florida lately??

    1. Let's just say I doubt his time cards will say vacation...#overtime#parttime

  7. What a light sentence for one who has done so much wrong.

  8. For all of the good ole boy whiners..the guy he covered up for hit parked cars in front of witnesses..and drove his disavled vehicle drunk home..then called the chief who delegated his cover up to another officer. HE really had no chance of not getting caught. Most of the other cops wouldn't go that overboard.

  9. He must have thought he was bornhere. Not, comeheres get thrown under the bus.

  10. Free Masons have been the POTUS at least 18 times. This is indicative of the powerful positions they hold and the influence they can bring to bear on those who would go against a "Brother". Over the last 30 years I have studied the influence of Free Masonry in government on local, state & federal levels and without going into detail I'll just state that the level of influence is SCARY!

  11. You poor disillusioned people.Evidence manufacturing kicked into overdrive on this one and barely anyone is the wiser.

  12. Evidence manufacturing? You must his one of Sewell ' s ridiculous western shore attorneys 8:23. The only thing the state had to do was let the arogant lier tell his story...he thinks he's so smooth.

  13. Dave T: Glad to see his sorry ass outta there. I think this is where the old nickname "pig" comes from. Giving good cops a bad name. Stinking up the place Sewell. Doesn't matter what your color is, you were a nobody then, and you're really a nobody now ! Welcome to the real world, it won't be a warm reception here.

  14. In 1996 former Chief Frank White was charged with crimes while serving as chief of police. Twenty year later Pocomoke City is embarrassed again with the conviction yet of another police chief Kevin Sewell. To all the people of Pocomoke it is time to put this issue to rest. Now it is time to support our new police Chief William Harden.

    1. People will support Chief Harden if he would get out of the office and ride around town and talk to the people to see what's going on. The officers are so unfriendly and won't open their mouths to speak. We don't have to be friends but at least acknowledge people when you come face to face.

  15. Ever heard of the theory that Jack the Ripper was a Free Mason? His fellow Masons found out what he was doing and stopped him but never turned him in to the police. Just saying...

  16. Hooray for Worcester County at least they file charges on scum, Wicomico County and Salisbury need to do the same. We need to do follow ups on the promises and work and I use the word loosely on Barbara Duncan and Jake Day. The reports that the SPD give of crime in the area are lies look at the National Averages per county. The murders at the end of the year are not accurate ask families who family members have died or disappeared. And Jake Day other then photo ops what can you point to he has initiated and done?

  17. The worst part is Sewell had to lie and say his firing was due to race. I would have a bit of sympathy for him for a moment of very bad judgement but he showed his true colors by attempting to turn it all into a race matter. He's a liar and he is no damn good. He can go to hell. Trying to turn a community against one another all for no reason only proves what a no good POS he is. Good Bye and Good Riddance. Baltimore City SA's office is a good place for him. He should feel in his element surrounded by the liars there.

  18. "And Jake Day other then photo ops what can you point to he has initiated and done?"

    LOL-He "rebranded" Salisbury 10:41. Useful idiot is what Day is. He's a tool.

  19. Well written article about a dirty cop.

  20. Aww... It looks like Jonathan Taylor has egg on his face for defending this Black Thug! He also owes Mayor Morrison an apology!

  21. I believe that the Feds jumped on this case and pulled the race card immediately . However , I haven't heard anything from our lovely federal government .

  22. The comment from 1021 is incredible.

    To the rest of you freemasons: Is it true?

  23. 11:03 PM is correct about Jones, Hickman and Nelson. Howard is also shady. Much gets "taken care of" in Somerset County.

  24. So who was the ECI officer. Name???

  25. Another Racist police Thief (not chief) Gone ...out of the way.......Good!!

    His Racist buddy from ECI Doug Mathews in trouble too...

  26. He can run for DOG Catcher now ...... Good Riddons.........!!!

  27. ECI glad Mathews GONE.......Racist like him Not needed !!!

    Police chief can apply there...he will fit right in ....
    Division of Corruption (ECI -were Everything is Corrupt Inside).......

  28. These two are Proof ....Blacks are Racist Too....and Corrupt


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