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Sunday, December 04, 2016

CNN Anchor: Americans Should Wear Hijabs To Show Solidarity With Fearful Muslims

Americans should wear hijabs to show solidarity with Muslim women who fear being attacked for wearing the religious head covering, CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota suggested on Monday, just hours before an Islamic radical stabbed students at Ohio State University.

“Maybe there will be a movement where people wear the head scarf in solidarity. You know, even if you’re not Muslim,” Camerota said during an early-morning broadcast on CNN’s “New Day.”

“Maybe it’s the way people shave their heads, you know, sometimes in solidarity with somebody who is going through something,” she added.

Camerota was responding to a CNN segment about Muslim women who say they live in fear of being verbally or physically attacked for wearing head scarves.



  1. Screw her , Hillary and the Democrats lost...

  2. Alison, go screu yourself.

  3. How about Muslim women take off their masks in solidarity with their newly adopted Country's native customs? After all, they chose to come here for who we are, not to change us into who they want us to be.

    If they did come here for the latter reasons, they need to go back Home to their Country that lets women wear masks.

    It's really that simple.

  4. or maybe muslims that are in AMERICA can walk around waving American flags and ratting out their terrorist family members to show solidarity with us.

  5. Here they go George soros pushing his agenda.

  6. Alison y not move to syria and express yourself infront of ISIS you pos.

  7. Who watches CNN anyway? I quit watching them years ago and I haven't had cable tv in over three years. The only CNN related show I might watch is Anthony Bourdain's travel show on ROKU. After election night, and have elected to avoid all the mainstream media news, like ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX. Sick of the lies and propaganda. I saw a segment on RT news last night showing a gravestone with the mainstream media networks on it. It was kind of funny, but true!

  8. Your in Americs take OFF. That suppresive item if you love it so much MOVE BACK.

  9. Maybe this woman should zip her lip to show her solidarity with the Silent Majority.

  10. She should have her private part surgically removed to show her solidarity with this wonderful religion of pieces.

  11. Soros soros soros.

  12. Alison move to Syria.

  13. Soros soros soros.

  14. We should show solidarity with them by using their tactics on them.

  15. CNN proves every day that they have become completely irrelevant.

  16. They fear being verbally or physically attacked because of their headwear. Hmm, maybe if they were in their home country it would be a much safer place for them to wear headwear, oh that's right it isn't. They could be stoned to death. Silly me.

  17. Does that stupid woman wear that crap,has she had the female circumcision does she drive? That idiot needs to move to Iran.I don't see how CNN can keep someone like that on their payroll It's no wonder they are going down in the ratings.

  18. And what day do we wear Yamakas? How about feathers in our hair, after all the Indians were here first. Or Maybe we can all wear pilgrim's hats and coifs one day. Maybe a fireman's helmet?

  19. what do u guys think the muslims watch on tv each night? I bet andy Griffith, bart Simpson, maybe Maude. they r good people just like us eastern shoremen.

  20. I'll wear one when the Muslims wear a cross necklace to show their solidarity with the persecuted Christians in this country (and in the country they came from). That's right...it'll never happen.

  21. My suggestion would be for them to move back to the country they are comfortable in. Bye !

  22. It should be illegal to wear the hijab over here. Let them move back to Syria if they want to wear it. We don't want you anyway. To back where you came from.

  23. Maybe she should have her genitals removed with a rusty razor blade which is the common custom in many mudslimne countries.

  24. This is America. We're free to wear whatever we like. If Muslims don't like it, they can leave!

  25. We don't wear that crap here in USA ...we are far more
    civilized ...and treat our women as equals to men ....

  26. USA needs to educate the public on just how BAD they Do
    treat their muslim women overseas.....

    Then everyone would stop feeling sorry for what is really
    Not a religion, But is a Cult, who is not yet cilvilized !!

    The Proof is in the pudding.....the chips fall were they fall.....the evil/the terrorist/ come from that group....
    so who do they worship?? Themselves, or maybe the Devil ???

  27. They will surely go to Hell / Not Heaven of any sorts

    The so called Muslims extremists ..... no matter how many
    there are in the world.......

    We good people (who many are Christians) will go to Heaven !

    Any group who mistreats their own and others is Not a Religion .... only Hiding behind one in name or a cult ...

    If women are not treated right as equals to the men ...
    Wake Up.....something is Wrong...


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