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Thursday, December 22, 2016

What's Happening 12-22-16

Let us know what is happening in the area!  The Good, the bad and the ugly!   Are you ready for Christmas?


  1. Well I know it starred Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach.Lee Van Cleef may have even been in it.

  2. We helped someone in a very desperate situation last night was glad to do so and they will recover. However that is not the same for their friend. Wishing the outcome had been better I can't stop worrying.

  3. I smashed Brian Keane last night. So hot...

  4. I ate a whole bag of Snyder's jalapeno pretzle bits. Delicious!

  5. 89 days until spring = GOOD!!!

  6. All ready for the holiday. Now enjoying the spiritual aspect of advent and CHRISTmas.

  7. I want to know how many students will have over due meal balances by Easter break. How many are the same families?

  8. I just heard on the news that the Christmas services at St Patrick's in NYC will have SWAT teams present. How the democrats have allowed this country to deteriorate to what it has is sickening. Jan 20th can not get hear soon enough. This Holy Season we must thank God for His divine intervention in this past election. Republican control highest across the nation like never before. God saw the evil and destruction the democrats were doing and stepped in for the righteous.

  9. What are you smoking? Open a history book for a change. Control of the whitehouse switches parties almost every time there has been an 8 year control by one party.

  10. Read the Bible, 8:44, and then compare with archeological evidence and historical facts and try to disprove.

  11. 8:44 You low information people are the problem. Now FYI Einstein NEVER EVER I'll repeat since you are an ignoramus NEVER EVER (are you understanding yet moron!) have so many state houses in the nation nor so many governors AND the president and Congress been Republicans. Once more since you are an imbecile-NEVER EVER! So before you ever try and insult again calculated yourself. And one thing you can be absolutely certain about-I have forgotten more about every topic you can think of they you can ever hope to know so if I say don't question it because you will be WRONG and I have no problem rubbing it in just how WRONG you are.


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