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Thursday, December 22, 2016

All aboard the high-speed rail

The Hogan administration secured a $27.8 million federal grant last month to study the feasibility of a magnetic levitation (MagLev) train between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. The grant can be used for planning and engineering costs.

MagLev trains are propelled through a guideway by powerful magnets. The magnetic force also lifts the train above the surface to reduce friction, allowing smoother, quieter rides and a top-end speed of more than 300 MPH.

Gov. Larry Hogan rode a MagLev train in Japan in 2015 and became convinced this technology can help revolutionize travel in the Baltimore-Washington corridor and can serve as the first phase of a high-speed rail to New York and Boston.

This isn’t the first attempt to bring MagLev to the Baltimore-Washington Corridor. MagLev originally received funding from the Clinton administration that was gladly accepted by then-Gov. Paris Glendenning. Maryland Democrats seemed to favor the project.



  1. Are there any other cities in Maryland besides Baltimore?

  2. 300 mph to go where in a hurry?

  3. I am old enough to remember when Governor Mandel raised the gas tax to fund the Baltimore subway. He said it was only a *temporary* increase and would be repealed when the subway was paid for. Guess what?

  4. 235, spend a morning or afternoon on the bw parkway.

  5. It would be more productive if they would do one from NY to Norfolk..using the middle of the 95 roadway with a monorail train.And I still say using some of the old rails it would e nice to have a light rail from the bay bridge to Ocean city..and have park and rides at both ends..

  6. 421
    I like your ideas

  7. nearly 28 million...for a study...I see why democrats favor the project now

    1. They need to spend 85% of the money or doing not planning!! !!!

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 22, 2016 at 5:54 PM

    That's an expensive study for 27.8 million. How about fixing some Eastern Shore Maryland roads first. No need for study there, everybody with common sense will tell you these roads around here are bad.

  9. I would rather see the fast rail go from Salisbury to Wilmington Delaware and back. You already have the infrastructure in place with the RR tracks that have been there for years. Wilmington already has a fast rail to NYC. Can you imagine the tourism that would be boosted for Wicomico County.

    I would also like to see a fast rail go from Salisbury to Baltimore and back. I have mentioned this to Larry already.

  10. Yeah, more tourism and more menial jobs for locals. Can't wait until the new yorkers show up.

  11. Well it's about time.
    Every other civilized, modern country has some sort of high speed rail.


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