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Thursday, December 22, 2016

What the warrant application for Weiner's laptop says about FBI investigation

The FBI was trying to get a look at thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails on former congressman Anthony Weiner's computer partly to see if anyone had hacked in to steal classified information, according to court documents unsealed Tuesday.

The FBI was trying to get a look at thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails on disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner's computer partly to see if anyone had hacked in to steal classified information, according to court documents unsealed Tuesday.

Investigating possible hacking appeared to be a secondary rationale for the email search, which FBI Director James Comey launched in the waning days of the presidential election.

When the FBI asked a magistrate judge in New York to issue a search warrant for Weiner's computer on Oct. 30, an agent spent pages describing concerns it might contain evidence Clinton had mishandled classified information.


1 comment:

  1. So, if they find out it was never hacked, they can just grind it up and say there's nothing to see here! Hillary has no more evidence against her, the FBI can quash anything they want!


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