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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Rollins' future unclear after convictions

ELKTON — After being convicted of two misdemeanors last week, Cecil County State’s Attorney Ellis Rollins’ future as the county’s top prosecutor may hinge on a single vague sentence in the state’s constitution.

According to Article V, Section 7, of the Maryland State Constitution, state’s attorney are subject to removal for “incompetency, willful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law, or by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate, on the recommendation of the Attorney-General.”

But no one’s quite sure how to interpret that sentence, including the Office of the Maryland Attorney General, the state’s chief legal officer. The Whig asked the Attoney General’s office for clarification concerning that statute on Tuesday. But as of Thursday evening, nearly 48 hours later, the office said it was still examining the statute and couldn’t comment yet.

Rollins, 61, was convicted last week of one count each of disorderly conduct and indecent exposure stemming from several incidences on June 22 during which he suggestively danced naked and masturbated directly in front of the sliding glass door of his high-rise Ocean City hotel room. He was found not guilty of two identical charges stemming from incidents that were alleged to have happened the day before.



  1. I don't see how he was convicted if he was inside the dwelling. I read a recent court case where a person was seen walking around his house naked but could not be charged because he was inside his house. Of course, this is communist Maryland and they make the laws up as they go along.

  2. 11:59 The guy was masturbating in full view. He was visible to children in the neighboring building and surrounding area. Maybe you don't mind your children seeing that, but most do.

  3. He was convicted because he would put on a show. When he saw the woman in the other building looking at him he would then play with his junk. He's a perv.

  4. you've got to keep your mule under cover, every man knows that. Don't pull him out until it's absolutely necessary

  5. He definitely should resign, but the sad thing is how many years he's been doing this. The real travesty is there's a whole lot worse going on with the clowns on Capitol Hill

  6. Wanted a judgeship...LMAO
    Please stop showing his mug...makes me ill

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:59 The guy was masturbating in full view. He was visible to children in the neighboring building and surrounding area. Maybe you don't mind your children seeing that, but most do.

    December 22, 2016 at 4:00 PM

    Don't be ridiculous. The point was they have to show intent and show he knew he was being seen.


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