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Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Donald Trump Will Never..." Oh, Wait!! Cut, Cut, Cut!! Can We Do A Retake??


  1. They should have listened to Ann Coulter, who had the last laugh. Get over it Libs, Donald Trump is going to the White House. Thank God in Heaven.
    Go in a room by yourself and repeat over and over "President Trump" and if you do that enough perhaps you will finally realize what happened in November.

  2. REAL Americans have grown tired of Rosie and her gaggle of left wing surrealists. Shut up already. Change is coming Jan 20th and feedo loving hard working citizens are ready for it.

  3. “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

    ― Adolf Hitler

  4. These dirt bags swore, promised and stated with utmost confidence....because they were in on the fix, the cheat, the lies..the inside scoop, the big donor party rumors...the inside corruption at its heart. I'm thankful their exposed as they are.

  5. I'll keep an eye out for space ship! ROFLMAO!

  6. Give the hags the 1 am slot on MTV

  7. I wonder how they like the taste of crow?

  8. What you all have to say now?
    Chirp chirp chirp
    I thought so


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