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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ed Klein: Hillary's Delusion: 'I'm Going to Run Again in 2020'

Hillary Clinton intends to keep her campaign organization together for the next four years and run again for president in 2020.

“She’s convinced that, sooner than later, the voters will come to their senses and realize they made a horrible mistake by putting [Donald] Trump in the White House,” a source close to Hillary told Ed Klein Confidential. “She’s sure the voters will beg her to get in the race and she says, ‘I’m going to run again in 2020.’”

Not all her advisers agree. In fact, several of them believe Hillary is in a bad way—deeply depressed, drinking too much, and delusional about her chances of making a successful run for the White House four years from now when she’ll be 73 and in shaky health.

But these advisers are afraid to dash Hillary’s presidential dreams and send her into an even deeper depression.



  1. I truly expect that by 2020 Hillary will be dead And Bill will finally stop committing adultery!

  2. Hillary should be in jail in 2020.

  3. Let her run. we need two more years of drama

  4. Trump would beat her again!

  5. You can't be president from prison.

  6. A convicted Felon cannot run for President.

  7. Trump would like nothing better than to kick her ass in another election.

  8. Her Rolex might be running in 2020, but it's doubtful that she'll be.

  9. Hopefully she won't be around.

  10. Just lock her up
    Enough already

  11. She has been seen with significant medical issues, including seizures and fainting episodes. She will bee too ill to run again in four years. She barely made it through this year's election cycle.


  12. Harold Stassen in a pantsuit. And where will she get the cash? Selling her cookie recipes?

    Will be good for popcorn manufacturers!

  13. This has got to be a joke, right?

  14. She won't make it to 2020. She nnearly keeled over twice on this one!


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