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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Reality Smacks Salisbury Maryland In The Face This Morning!

This morning, Sam's Club here in Salisbury gets new gas pumps from WAYNE PUMP, CO - formerly made in Salisbury, MD.
Check out their new address,  
bottom center, Texas!

Can you say Liberal Leadership for decades?


  1. Unlike Trump liberal leadership here doesn't have a clue how to save or create jobs.

  2. The whole subject of this company's exodus makes me STEAMING MAD. Joe - this factory alone employed more than 1,100 workers at its peak production. Not including the ancillary services like the Globe Hoist division - (lifts - located downtown)- nor, it's Cherry Point administration facility located on the Wicomico River. And they had an aircraft, hangar, pilots to.

    This area has lost so many manufacturers that it should be designated an economic disaster area - seriously.

  3. Yep and the good republicans on the shore want to vote Hogan out and get more democrats in office.

  4. This brings back so many memories. I worked at that plant for 33 years right up until its shutdown. It was a really great place to work.

  5. Unfortunate, But at least it is still in the US.

  6. Wayne had to do what was good for their company. The liberal voters don't care about jobs, the gov't will take care of them.

  7. Liberalism is a slow death.

  8. Wow! If a picture could say a thousand words, this one sure does it.

    One has to wonder, if this company decided to move all of its production equipment, personnel, resources, to another state, then the state of Maryland must be deemed the pits for businesses in general. Otherwise, why wouldn't they have stayed!

  9. For one thing, Wicomico had an inventory tax that consumed an enormous amount company resources in order to comply. You couple that along with sales tax, unemployment tax, FICA, health, workman's comp., state & corporate income tax, the decision is a no-brainer, especially when competing with various other low tax states.

    1. You're a moron. The Union closed this plant. idiot

    2. Wicomico doesn't have an inventory tax. Salisbury does. Why do you think Pohanka fights to keep land from being annexed into city?

  10. Salisbury News is the only news media reporting this. God Bless SBYnews.

  11. To 10:03 Poster - You are right, Liberalism is a slow death and most any businessman worth his salt knows it. That's why they among many many other mfgs. have decided to high tail it out of here.

  12. I don't know how big this business was when it was here, but Maryland is not kind to small businesses. My husband owns and operates one and it is very difficult to get ahead with all the liscenses, taxes, fees, insurances, etc that we have to pay. They need to give us some sort of a break! People think that if you own your own business you are rich! LOL

  13. Three strikes and the union was out. Any of you that remember why Wayne / Dresser left Salisbury, will remember that it was the UAW that rejected three good faith offers in a row from Haliburton, before Haliburton made the decision to move the business out of Salisbury. All the offers would have increased the workers wages, and they would have kept their jobs. But noooo, they rejected them, each and every one, over their demands for increased health care benefits for RETIRED union workers. The union had their chance to keep the company here, and to keep their jobs. They played with fire and got burnt. They are just another union that doesn't care about JOBS, and only care about how much capital they can suck out of the company. Just look at what the UAW has done for Detroit. Need I say any more?

  14. 10:09 AM every business in every state pays payroll taxes. Makes your rant pointless.

  15. As I recall it was the union's contract demands which caused them to leave, just like Crown,Cork and Seal. Dresser Wayne had warned them with 2 previous contract demands that if they didn't give some they would be forced to shut down and move to a non-union location. Both unions got their demands and both companies up and moved. How's that union working for you now? Unions had their time and were needed at one point, they are nothing but job killers now. That's why a lot of textile companies moved out, labor cost and benefits were more than the companies could afford. The unions got their demands but the companies packed up and left leaving union members unemployed. Who do you think demands these unsustainable retirements we as communities are having to deal with now!

  16. Globalists must envision themselves as being in outer space looking down on the flat Earth as a whole.Eventually the same currency worldwide with no favoritism to either country when it comes to business.The truth is that the non globalists jump all over that philosophy & scoop up any companies who are willing to jump ship.Until Trump came along those companies had little reason to stay here.Now it would be foolish to leave.

  17. Rode by there not long ago and saw them being installed. Really wish the company was still here.

  18. The problem is not so much the past political leadership as it is union versus non-union......union is the beast behind this move, strike, strike, CLOSE!!!! Call Crown, Cork and Seal.....exact same issues!!!!

  19. How's that going on strike working out for you and voting for Democrats raising taxes on companies you work for? Keep voting democrat and you will keep chasing business out of Maryland and the USA. It's sad to see so many Marylanders that vote straight Democrat no matter who is running and there agenda. I know you voters have a short memory but remember O-taxi

    1. Unions are for losers with no marketable skills.

  20. American Liberals and unions are good for China and Mexico.

  21. 1:50pm Unions were but one of the reasons. The final straw so to speak. The state never has done itself any favors by the way it treats businesses like giant piggy banks to be taxed. They still continue this garbage to this day.

  22. More than 85% of the workers at Dresser were union workers. They chose to go on strike for 15 weeks prior to the shut down to avoid any concessions. There were certainly enough voices to agree to the concessions. They did not.

  23. Some of these posts are funny!!! Dresser Wayne in salisbury Maryland will be remembered for one thing there was ALWAYS a party going on in the parking lot

  24. Hold on 11:46 - don't try and skate-a-way so fast.

    No - not all businesses pay payroll taxes. Case-in-point FedEx, Uber, Amazon Delivery, and a whole host of private trucking companies and delivery services including some of the most reputable like Ubid.com. Even the local chicken catchers are independents.

    In case you haven't noticed there is a whole new paradigm out there.
    NAFTA & GATT helped to usher in the new business climate. This is why you are witnessing such a business exodus from the US to abroad including such local notables as Airpax's move to Matamoras, Mexico - (1300 jobs from Cambridge, MD).

  25. Filled out a job application requesting a 15 year work history. I couldn't put any phone numbers to contact because the businesses were all closed. Dresser/Wayne, Airpax, Harvard Manufacturing...

    I didn't close ANY plant and I didn't party in the parking lot.

  26. I agree with one of the above posters, this area is an economic disaster, no doubt about it. I have seen the number of factory closings list previously posted on SBYNEWS and it is staggering.
    Finally, Trump has put a magnifying glass to these statistics and hopefully he will try and set a correct coarse.

  27. The eastern shore had its hayday. Those days are long gone and will never return. Advances in technology have eliminated the need for many hands on labor jobs in production and the use of shipping containers on megaships allows for cost effective movement of goods globally. The local workforce isn't what it once was either. There was a strong work ethic among farmers, watermen and skilled workers. The grandchildren of these hard working people can barely handle working 20 hrs a week at a retail store or restaurant let alone any real work. Many have never even had a summer job. It is sad but true.

  28. I am glad to see that at least they - Wayne - has survived Salisbury/MD regulatory and taxation. I'll bet their balance looks alot better to.

  29. Maryland has to figure out a way to be more hospitable to businesses. This place has been infertile to prospective businesses, period.

  30. 11:27 I'm glad you mentioned unions because they are all greedy and kill themselves.

  31. Reference - Bob Pinto (4:50 Poster)

    I agree, it is so sad to see virtually all US mfg. has vanished. And just think about this, it is going on nationally all across the country. Ohio, PA, MI, Ill, WV, and even ole 'Blue Wall' Maryland.

  32. Again Texas is pro business!

  33. Texas, Utah, Nevada, are all magnetic States for businesses. Unfortunately for Marylanders - 'the polar orientation of our politicians are like poles'

  34. I remember some guys who worked day shift at dresser telling me they basically did nothing until it was 4 pm, that was when time and a half set in and then would do a little something. Also Don's Bella Donna was a popular place so the union guys could get a few drinks before, during, and after work. They did this all the time because the union was there to protect them. How's that working out for you guys now working the produce section at WalMart. As the country song goes, NOBODY TO BLAME BUT ME.

  35. I also worked at Dresser Wayne. Some of the statements here are a little misleading. yes we did go on strike but it was to try and keep what we already had. The company wanted to cut our pay and cut our benefits. But the real killer was when Clinton signed NAFTA. That is when all the manufacturing plants in Salisbury left for Mexico. There were a lot of employees at K & L Microwave and Heineman Electric. Also our retirement at Dresser already sucked for 30 years of service guys are getting $350 a month for retirement. Yeah that sure is a lot isn't it. So don't be so quick to judge.

  36. Why do you think crime is so high in and around Salisbury? How about poverty, unemployment, homelessness? My wife and I were driving down Mt Hermon road just a few days ago and we couldn't help but to notice the shear number of abandoned and foreclosed homes. Things use to not be this way around here. Now it is what I consider standard operand-us procedure for daily life now that all of the businesses are gone.

    1. So poverty is an acceptable reason to abandon the basic tenants of humanity? "I'm homeless so it's ok if I take your property." Sorry...I'm not buying.

  37. None of the other medias want to cover any of the local business exodus. If it were not for SBYnews all of the businesses fleeing would be like everything else around here, swept under the rug.

  38. I noticed that another Bank of Delmarva, Gordy Tiger Mart got robbed last night.
    I swear, the only true industries left around here are the robbery/panhandling businesses.

  39. There's no jobs around here. Only menial jobs like McDonalds, TigerMart, Royal, and even these have gone to part time positions. I can honestly exclaim; there is no economy around here. And I fell just like one of the above comm-enters, where is the MSM?

  40. It was just one of others that at one time was an asset to this and surrounding communities. There also was Criscraft, Campbells Soup,Rubberset,Duponts, and many more. Maybe Donald Trump can change things to better work in this area, and thus better the lives of our citizens.

  41. Look, I have read, heard, and experienced our economic woes for so long that it makes no difference anymore. We have now had how many elections? And every-time they tell you the same old song and dance story - (create jobs, eliminate poverty, high tide will raise all ships) - and what happens, the ship still sinks.

    So unless the 'Swamp is drained' how in world can you effect change. I agree with several of the above commenters, where in the hell is the PRESS? The Daily Times especially is to blame.

  42. All these politicians do is to tell you what you want to hear. Then, once they get into office they tend to forget about the little guy and do what in the heck they want to, most often forgetting about what they laid claim to while running for office during their campaign. I have seen it time and time again.

  43. To all the know-it-alls here, it is historic fact when economic downturns happen, crime escalates. You all were warned that should this place turn into a quasi-retirement community and not aggressively court businesses to come here, by this point, you would have what we've got now. You were warned in the 1980s that this would happen yet you minions kept voting in morons like Barrie Tilghman, Pollitte or whatever his name, Ireton, Holloway, John Cannon and now Day, all thinking somehow this would miraculously change. Same old BS year in and year out. Now the place is a sh&&hole and you complain about it when you could've elected efficient people to run the city with an eye towards the future rather than Social Justice Warriors who were rebels without a clue or a pause. It's still going on today so don't sit back and think it's all moonlight & roses. Fact is you bought this now you can name it. You want crime to stop, quit bitching and demand Day and his merry band of idiots to start aggressively courting business to this community again. Make regulations zip and give tax incentives. Then you'd have quality jobs to offer people and you'd see crime go down. You also might want to factor in ECI isn't helping your problem either. But then again, that guy in the 80s that warned you about businesses leaving also told you ECI was going to be a problem if you built it. You did it. So be it. And by the way, you have more lawyers here per capita than most major cities. Just how many professional jobs i.e. lawyers, accountants and doctors, do you think any town needs? Get a clue people. You've done this to yourselves by voting irresponsibly. 😣

  44. I knew a supervisor there and he said he never voted for any contract. He always wanted more, more more.


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