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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Academia: When Is Enough, Enough?

By Thornton Crowe

Over the last few weeks, colleges like Emory have declared that, like sanctuary cities, they will become safe havens for illegal aliens; thus, providing cover for illegals to avert federal law enforcement agencies and continue to live in America. One thing academia seems to forget is, unless they're private institutions (and even then, there's still some gray areas) they depend on federal monies to fill their already overflowing coffers. Like those cities, is it time to cut the proverbial fiscal cord and let them dangle in the wind?

Maybe they should look to their on-staff historians (professors) for counsel about just what's in that crazy ruling document we also call the United States Constitution. As it seems, Academia has now joined the mayhem of immigration enforcement on the premise they promote the "dreamers." Well, there were dreamers in the 1890s crowd that immigrated legally to the US through Ellis Island. They did so because they wanted to escape oppression, bad economies and other plights; however, they didn't seek entrance through any back doors.

Contrary to modern day illegal aliens, they got on the boat (legally,) crossed the Atlantic (legally,) and went through the rigors of Ellis (again, legally) to gain citizenship. Hence, the word legal is the key component here that many liberals seems to ignore in their cries against the big bad immigration situation, which is law in our country.

A week or so back, I referred to the fact that the federal government is not obligated to pay out monies to any other entity other than the Military and United States Postal Service. One of my commenters further backed up my claim, citing the Tenth Amendment. Yes, it is true and academia is now treading in very dangerous territory. Hard to help dreamers when you have no cash to back up the high rhetoric.

Perhaps it's time for us to revisit the notion of state autonomy and apply it to the Academic world as well. Given the high tuitions for educations that seem to be of little use to the Snowflake crowd as they work their Starbucks' jobs and live in the basement due to high cost of living and no real jobs available, yet colleges still teach courses like Gender Studies where a person needs to gain a PhD to get a 'real job.' Not only does this provide a generation of Peter Pans no bankable skills, it leaves them ensconced in debt - they cannot afford to pay off working even $15.00 per hour jobs.

Academic foundations are found to be some of the richest out there, so where's all this federal grant money going? Ironically, much of their money goes to research - but where has all this 'research' gotten us? Are there cures for cancer, diabetes, MS, or Alzheimers that we're unaware of? Unfortunately, for all this wasted cash, we haven't seen where research in the breeding habits of fruit flies has helped cure any of America's economic ills.

Let's face it, a lot of this so-called research isn't doing much in the furtherance of our society and its well-being; so why do we continue to fund such fruitless efforts? Is it to put another PhD in a tenured position so he/she can teach absolutely nothing to future generations while expounding platitudes about their personal politics?

When is enough, enough? Now with a $19T debt that we can never possibly pay off, can we afford these Social Justice Warriors to continue their big talk that promotes violating federal laws? The fact these colleges would directly challenge the hand that feeds is quite stunning and, frankly, short-sighted on their lot.

So next time you pass any one of our local learning institutions, think to yourselves, it's all a matter of time when they will join this illegal alien sanctuary battle cry; hence, leaving you little taxpayers to foot for yet another extravagant bill generated by institutions already seen to many as an incubus of fiscal gluttony and waste!

How say you?


  1. No need for overkill.Just terminate their funding.

  2. Cut their funding off... A lot of these colleges don't teach anything but to hate America and plot to overthrow the people and government. These professors belong in prison for treason.

    1. While I agree that their rhetoric is contemptible, jailing them is a slippery slope.

  3. If they don't adhere to the laws of the land, or more importantly openly disobey the law, cut off the money.Then we can all see how brilliant their thinking is. Problem is, many in academia are educated beyond their intelligence.

  4. All it might take to end this is for a couple of these College and/or University Presidents to be arrested for harboring fugitives. It is still against the law to knowingly shelter and protect a criminal from law enforcement, isn't it? And their "intent" to do so is very clear. Cutting off funding is certainly a good idea but it will be a slow process. I say bust 'em!

  5. 910 where in this article do you see overkill? Like with sanctuary cities, there is no need to continue financial aid or funding for colleges engaging in illegal behaviors like harboring illegal aliens.

  6. Its easy to spew defiance when your hands are full of cash but when that cash dries up, it puts a bit more perspective on the whole situation.

  7. As a teacher myself, I often find myself infuriated by the ever-increasing attacks on the value of a higher education that I read on this site.

    Making an investment in one's education is no different than any other investment... If it is done in a thoughtful, well-prepared manner with a clear goal in mind, the results are most often successful. To continuously suggest that higher education is a waste of money is irresponsible.

    1. I respectfully disagree. The content of that education has declined to the point that the return on investment is negative in most cases.

  8. 1018 once again songs from ones who don't read articles. No one is saying here that education is a waste but the quality of that education is suspect when all students here is liberalese the whole four years. Professors abuse their standing by touting their own ideas instead of teaching students to develop their own ideas based on information and their own interpretation. Thats the point of college not some social engineering to gain more liberals. If you are a taxpaying educator then it might be a good idea to look at where your tax money is going and how its being wasted.

  9. 1018 is right it is an infringement of First Amendment rights to free speech but when does free speech get a hefty $5,000 per semester price tag attached to it? It's perfectly fine if they want to run around communities talking about their ideas but in collegiate settings they're not their for self gratification and self importance, they're there to teach students how to take information in and then apply it to their own experiences. Many people do this without the aid of college but if a person wants to be in a profession like law or medicine, higher education is a must have. Professors take advantage and should be reprimanded for this but when the president is an ideologue, it will never happen.

  10. Students are a captive audience. If you don't show up you get a crappy grade. They're stuck there. They can't just get up and leave because they'll be docked or considered absent. I guess they can play on Facebook and Twitter but then they're just wasting their money. They can do that in the dorm room for free. Don't students get a First Amendment right not to have to sit there and listen to all the political BS?

    1. So you think the attendance policy of a class is an infringement of 1st Amendment rights? Wow...you are severely confused.

  11. The problem is a lack of jobs in America.
    It is not education. However, some educators may not provide a classic education any longer?
    Seek a reputable college or university and study for a degree which will benefit you either financially or intellectually.

    The jobs were off-shored by the industrialists and bankers who took over the economy.
    They seek profits for their companies (themselves).
    That is all they care about.

    Americans need to wake up to what is happening.
    STOP buying the products which are made in foreign lands.
    It really is that simple.

    Then, the jobs will come back to Americans.

  12. 1048 so you think being forced to listen to propagandized information is not an infringement of an individual's right not to have to pay or be subjected to it is not? Wow...you are severely deranged.

    1. Forced? Are they held at gun point? They have a choice. Most life choices have consequences. I agree the liberal rhetoric is disgusting. But asserting a 1st Amendment issue is inaccurate.

  13. 1036 unfortunately because of unions and regulations buying America is very expensive right now. With all the over-educated unemployed people who can't afford this expense makes it's a moot point. Don't ya think?

  14. Students are not taught to be free thinkers they are taught an ideology and if they question it they're punished. That's not education.

  15. The past 8 years have paid it's toll on our country . The total brain washing of the young and teachers have cost our country to the point of no return.
    The education of todays standard is far below that of 20 years ago , having said that , a four year degree may get you a job or may not , at best in some cases McDonalds is the choice. Some who have a degree cannot sell properly or do 2nd grade math.
    These kids today are all followers and have been taught to be that way , a marxist teaching and a communist teaching . Group protest and hand in hand protest are the thing , nothing else to do but argue a point that doesn't even make good sense . Most are on some sort of drug , teachers also for depression . Teaching is no longer an admired profession . Learning is the key that will not return without proper education people. Sorry teachers , you made your bed , now enjoy what's coming.

  16. For all those missing the point of this article completely, let me spell it out for you:

    When I say go 1787, this means defund everything funded by the federal government with the exception of what is mandated by the US Constitution. Meaning, everything but the US Postal Service and the Military. We are addicted to federal funding because of FDR and his half-baked attempt to execute Keynesian economics, which even Keynes said was a half-fruited effort and ineffectual. We're all addicted like junkies on crack to this nonsensical melee which needs to cease.

    We simply can no longer afford such extravagance. We are $19T in debt that is collecting interest by the minute. We are in debt up to and beyond our eyeballs right now and we need to make some tough cuts and choices.

    My assessment is to start with lawbreaking colleges and cities; however, that's only a start. We need to ween the whole state system off this cash because it is no longer sustainable. This is logic and logic doesn't have warm fuzzy social justice warrior feelings. So if you're crying for Big Bird, ACLU and Planned Parenthood, sorry but it's a credit card bill we can no longer pay.

    By dialing back to 1787, we are going back to what the framers envisioned this country's Republic to be in order to survive good and bad times - not this quasi-socialism its slowly metamorphosed into since 1913. In turn, we reinstate the mechanism of inalienable rights that our Republic was designed to preserve rather than continue fostering this mess we have on our hands now.

    It never ceases to amaze that some commenters take a snippet and turn it into a huge mountain where even a mole hill didn't exist. The fact is we as a country are far from what our founding fathers designed as we can possible be. This happened because, even though they warned us about what letting too much government control would do to us and the Republic, we ignored them shamelessly.

    If you're serious about getting America back on track then the only chance of this is to start dialing all the way back to the pre-progressive era Constitution where states were self-supporting and autonomous. Get rid of all the rigamarole that came afterwards that marred the whole system up with bureaucratic waste.

    It would behoove all of you to pick up the Constitution and actually read it for a change. You'd find that document contains everything we need to do in order to get us back on line. And while it may come with some painful changes, the outcome will be spectacular! It worked for the first hundred plus years before all the muckers started monkeying with it, and it will work again!

  17. 1106 is correct in part...why do we purchase foreign made products from an American company? Simply because we could not afford the American made products. Americans will not work for $2 hr. or even $5 hr. and when a forign manufacture raises their cost by either raising labor or parts cost the American company fines a cheaper manufacture and just moves production.
    Why did local guitarmaker PRS start a line made overseas? He had to make them affordable and not only the elites could purcahse them and it expands their buyers.
    We will never see products made excusivley in USA like it used to be.
    it just doen't make good business sense.

  18. "Forced? Are they held at gun point? They have a choice. Most life choices have consequences. I agree the liberal rhetoric is disgusting. But asserting a 1st Amendment issue is inaccurate.

    December 4, 2016 at 11:08 AM"

    Silliness personified because on one hand you're saying that a mandatory attendance policy is should be adhered but on the other hand, attendance is choice. Not so with GenEd classes. Those are mandatory classes. Everyone for the sake of diverse education, needs to take minimum required courses. Please see SU Catalogue if you are in doubt.

    "Students are not taught to be free thinkers they are taught an ideology and if they question it they're punished. That's not education.

    December 4, 2016 at 11:08 AM"

    Thank you for making my point.

  19. Who needs these colleges and their worthless degrees. I'm gonna start going to a doctor that never when to college and when he does a bad job, I'm gonna hire a lawyer that never went to college to represent me. If he wins, I'm gonna hire an accountant that never went to school to help me invest my my money with a broker that never went to college.

  20. Thornton,
    You are correct, as you know.
    However, the government under which we now live is not a Constitutional Republic.
    It was coopted by the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 - to which you alluded.

    This is not the same Country at all.

    It is a disease upon the earth. A horrifying evil force. Controlled by financial elitists who print money out of thin air and call it "debt". To whom is the debt owed?

    That is the crucial question.
    Follow the money.

    1. Don't you think it's high time for us to get back to our roots. This whole experiment we call The United States of America was working fine until the big 1913 reserve burn. Let's get back up and running. Anon1:06PM

  21. If they break the law, which they are doing by harboring illegals, who are breaking the law, not only should their funding be cut, but they should be fined and forced to start teaching the truth of our Nation's history, rather than professors pushing political opinions and brainwashing our youth.

  22. So send your kids to a private conservative religious-affiliated college. Then you'll complain about what's taught there!

    1. 407 what a silly comment. Not everyone is college material. Check yourself there. You're sounding like an embittered liberal. 🤔

  23. 4:07 Average local can't afford Wor-Wic, how they gonna pay for a private conservative religious-affiliated college even with assistance?

  24. Academia seems to think they are entitled to tax dollars hope that is about to change.

  25. Academia needs to move to Cuba where they think everyone is taking care of.

  26. It's time to make the lives of liberal professors miserable.

    1. Ah but 607 they have liberal tears now. Is that not bad enough? 🤔

  27. 10:10-I realize that 'overkill'may not be an accurate fit,but when I read posts like the above my first instinct is to cut to the chase and terminate funding.I realize that the accuracy of the post is spot on,but the solution isn't all that complicated.

  28. The diametrically opposed opinions expressed here are the best example of the need for this blog site AND the reason liberal biased professors should stop force feeding liberal kool aid to our kids. Let them see opposing opinions and teach them to form their own. I've paid for 3 educations, sent them to school with open minds, and they come home thinking that Bernie Sanders has good ideas. That's not by accident.

  29. Liberals are not just over sensitive beta males and unshaven women they want the government to impose it's will on the people in their twisted form of fairness...by force.

  30. 1113
    The US Constitution provides limits ON GOVERNMENT.
    It still would have tremendous value if it were followed.

    But I agree with you that it is just a GD piece of paper now.

    Technology has made our lives so much better.
    So much so, that I can't identify even ONE THING that technique has made better. I guess I am at a loss for words to describe how great is technology.

  31. What Anon11:13am failed to expound is the fact that up until FDR's era, the federal government did not provide all the give-me programs doled out during the New Deal. Yet in those eras prior there was the Industrial Revolution which produced several urban areas and increased population due to vast surges in immigration. While in 1787 there were 13 agrigarian colonies, they were quickly replaced by urbanization and still managed to prosper without the federal money we are now seeing wasted on both state and federal levels.

    Democrats love to spread half-truths but they immediately give themselves away when they resort to hurling personal insults about grammar and their opposition needing more education.


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