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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Liberal California Just Passed Law On Regulating COW FARTS Because…Global Warming

This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I have heard thus far. According to fox 6 news in New York, California Governor Jerry Brown has recently passed legislation that will work to limit the methane gases that released from cows. I am not even making this up right now.

To continue, dairy farmers are having to purchase equipment to trap the gases. According to Fox 6 news:

Dairy farmers say the new regulations will drive up costs when they’re already struggling with five years of drought, low milk prices and rising labor costs. They’re also concerned about a newly signed law that will boost overtime pay for farmworkers.

It just makes it more challenging. We’re continuing to lose dairies. Dairies are moving out of state to places where these costs don’t exist,” said Paul Sousa, director of environmental services for Western United Dairymen.

The dairy industry could be forced to move production to states and countries with fewer regulations, leading to higher emissions globally, Sousa said.



  1. If there was any lingering doubt about California, it is now removed.

  2. Please let CA become their own country - NOW!

  3. How do you trap a cow fart?

  4. Is there something in what little water they have there that just makes them Loony?

  5. Jerry Brown has more gas than on the cows in San Francisco!

  6. HAHAHA, are you kidding me? (map)

  7. have you ever been in an elevator with Pelosi when she had just finished her pork and beans. WHEW

  8. yes can we just remove this state and while we are at it can we send all the rest of the loony liberal's there in the country too

  9. Actually Australia is already taxing farmers based on cow methane.

  10. 2:59 Australia? Those people are nuts any way they took everybody's guns now they are trapping cow farts I guess Jerry Brown doesn't want to be out done to see who is the looniest nut on the planet. I can't wait to see what those idiots will think of next. Any body want venture a guess?

  11. Sad thing is methane is 20x more insulating in the atmosphere than CO2. If you take into account how many cows there are, methane can be literally harvested through a backpack device on the cows and turned into free energy! It's crazy how fun science can be when you understand it huh!?

  12. Beef cattle are responsible for 74% of methane emissions in the atmosphere from the US. It wouldn't be an issue if they were at natural levels but when you farm them in such large amounts like we do that can be quite the contribution

  13. Landfills put out more methane a day than all the cows in the USA can put out in a year.

  14. This story is much more believable than our college students receiving coloring books to relieve stress....


    Whoops, glad I don't live in CA!

  15. Again, this is mind control against the humans.
    Along with taxation without representation.
    The cow farmers have no representation.

  16. Is ole Jerry smoking more pot???? OR is he just naturally crazy?

  17. you don't want to know what its like to sit next to Hillary on taco night. double WHEW

  18. What is natural is natural.
    Nature is good for nature.

    It is the unnatural pollution from manufacturing that harms nature.

  19. methane gas leaks out of the earth's floor in the oceans and of course rises . Cow farts don't hold a candle to other ways of methane gas in the atmosphere

  20. Let's hope California drops off into the ocean so we can cut our methane and excrement levels!!!

    1. They are trying to succeed....I spoke to one of them in person about this....Ibasked where would you get the tax money to pay for all the freebies.....they could not answer

    2. They wpuld regulate themselves into oblivion!!


  21. So to become energy independent, how many cows would each home need to meet its heating and cooking requirements?

  22. 4:24

    74% of statistics are made up on the spot.

    The reality though, is that most methane emissions come from termites and decaying vegetation

  23. Nope.
    Most methane comes from the ocean floor.

  24. Good job for Hillary ..cow Fart monitor !!!

  25. Give them colace,the gas suppressor..


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