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Sunday, December 04, 2016

Teacher Brutally Slaps Student for Throwing Things at Him in Class


  1. He should have used a fist on that punk ass punk.

  2. And thats the way it should be!

  3. Should have slapped him harder then kicked his ass

  4. If he had been brought right at home he would have respect for an adult and would not have been humiliated.
    If you can not take what you dish out, then you should not be doing it to someone else.

  5. It's all good until it is your precious lil darling child that can do no wrong.

  6. I'm 69 years old...Been subjected to physical punishment - a head slap - by a teacher when I was in Public grade school.
    I deserved it. I was a handful.
    It was followed-up that evening with a phone call from the teacher to my dad, so the very worst was yet to come. And it did.
    For the life of me I can't remember exactly what I did to deserve those two whuppin's, but I do know this for damn sure: I never did it again.

  7. Good for the teacher. We need more teachers like him.

  8. a good whack on the back of the head won't hurt our snowflakes. Believe they need sense knocked into them - for MY FUTURE!!!!!

  9. There once was a day when the school would throw the little hooligan out so he could grow up to shine shoes for a living. Now we attach government money to attendance and the administrators will do everything to keep them in school.
    Wrong policy!!

  10. Corporal punishment is a necessary evil..some kids don't straighten up with just a word or ving things taken..my mama called being pigheaded or stubborn.

  11. These older commenters know full well we were never slapped in school.
    We were paddled on the ass.

    That is the proper corporal punishment.
    And all of you know it.

    1. Proper or not, you're wrong. Public school teachers in the late 50's - early 60's - would get very physical in response to bad behavior. It was accepted.
      We heard of "paddling" at some of the private schools, but never even saw a paddle in Baltimore City public schools.
      Trust me, I was there.

    2. 5:56. Some of these people are just idiots.

  12. Thank you sir for smacking some smarts into that punk. Hope you get a ada-boy in the folder added to a resume when you better yourself. Again, thanks, good job. It's about time.

  13. Need this in our Public Schools and most definitely Salisbury University where they are wearing big diaper pins

  14. Teacher Brutally Slaps Student for Throwing Things at Him in Class

    And you say that like it's a bad thing.

  15. Should have pinched his teeth out and stomped his ass! Teachers need to be respected like the cops. Just do as you are told, no problems.

  16. For the life of me I can't remember exactly what I did to deserve those two whuppin's, but I do know this for damn sure: I never did it again.

    December 2, 2016 at 4:21 PM

    If you can't remember what you did, how can you be sure you never did it again? lol

  17. What the kids did was wrong and what the teacher did was even worse. If that happened on the street it might be different, but not in a school.

    If that teacher cannot control himself any better than that, he doesn't deserve to be a teacher. If he doesn't know a better way to deal with situations like that, he needs better training or he doesn't deserve to be a teacher.

    And ones who applaud his bad behavior show their immaturity. Those kids need correction, but the correct form of correction, not to be bullied which in turn teaches them to be a bully.

    He is not respected in that classroom and this action only diminishes respect further.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Teacher Brutally Slaps Student for Throwing Things at Him in Class

    And you say that like it's a bad thing.

    December 2, 2016 at 11:05 PM

    Not only is it bad, it is terrible.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Corporal punishment is a necessary evil..some kids don't straighten up with just a word or ving things taken..my mama called being pigheaded or stubborn.

    December 2, 2016 at 5:45 PM

    That was NOT corporal punishment. That was assault.

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    5:56. Some of these people are just idiots.

    December 2, 2016 at 11:14 PM

    Finally, a comment I can agree with.

  21. 4:23 AM, 4:24 AM, 4:26 AM and 4:27 AM, all comments from the same pansy. This punk student acts like he did because of people like you.

  22. The whole thing looks staged to me.

  23. The teacher should not be teaching...... Should be the principle. What do you think of that 4:23, 4:24, 4:26, 4:27 A shock collar would work well, I'm sure he is a brat daily

  24. So why is this news that happened to me back when I was in school and the only thing that I was scared of was my father finding out.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    4:23 AM, 4:24 AM, 4:26 AM and 4:27 AM, all comments from the same pansy. This punk student acts like he did because of people like you.

    December 3, 2016 at 1:26 PM

    no, he acts like that because of his parents.

  26. The kid was goofing off.
    Kids do that.
    The teacher sucker-slapped the kid and pushed/assaulted another kid.
    Both kids should have each punched the teacher in the face.
    That would be justice.

  27. "Brutual" seems a bit of an exaggeration.

  28. BTW what language was the teacher speaking?


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