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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Boeing CEO says he'll build Air Force Ones for less than $4 billion after Trump meeting

Boeing will build the new Air Force One for less than $4 billion, the CEO told reporters Wednesday after meeting with President-elect Trump.

Dennis Muilenburg, the Boeing CEO, praised Trump for his "business head" and said the two had a very productive meeting where they discussed how the country could build two new Air Force One planes for less than the $4 billion, which Trump criticized on Twitter this month.

"We're going to get it done for less than that," Muilenburg said. "I was able to give the president-elect my personal commitment on behalf of the Boeing Company. This is a business that's important to us. We work on Air Force One because it's important to our country and we're going to make sure that he gets the best capability and that it's done affordably."

When asked about the timeline, Muilenburg said "that's what we're going to work on together."



  1. See how the govt just tosses out a number and everyone just pays it... Knowing damn well it doesn't cost that much to make a damn plane... Everyone is just fucking greedy... And that is why this country is in shambles and you have atheist able to sue Christians but not the other way around... Why you have LGBT suing Christians and not the other way around... Why you have men dressed as women, to be perverts to go in women's locker rooms... Why the cop lovers suck on the ass cheek of corrupt cops all the way to the toilet... And then you have the lazy clowns who do nothing but complain about how they don't like something, they either let happen or helped it along...

    Yep good ole america...


  3. 1136
    You are supposed to "just pay it" and then accept your CUT later when the election rolls around.

    That's how it works usually.

    Just saying.


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