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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Dispensers say Md. is great market for medical marijuana

Companies that are a step closer to dispensing medical marijuana in Maryland are eager to move forward.

The president of a company that's a step closer to dispensing medical marijuana in Maryland thinks the state is a great market for the industry and that the perception of pot can change.

Maryland's medical marijuana industry took a big step forward last week by pre-approving 102 companies to dispense the drug.

Leah Heise is a pioneer. The former attorney for the federal government set up a company that is among the first to get a license to give approved patients in Maryland marijuana in a variety of forms to address a variety of illnesses.

"For example, if you have arthritis, you might decide you want a topical, so you might use a cream you rub into your hands," Heise said.



  1. Dumb down the herd then enslave them.

    1. We already are might as well be high.

  2. 101, we're already enslaved bud.

  3. So, a guy who railed against drugs and used his power to imprison people for marijuana crimes (YEARS in prison....) is now a player in the SALE of marijuana??? I see it didn't take much for HIM to get a license.....among the first ones, too.
    I've told you before, it's people like him who make the drug trade possible.
    The ones who look the other way, give insider tips to traffickers, protect and finance shipments, launder the money (you think some kid in the ghetto has 30 million and a place to run that much money??), and eliminate rivals.
    It's NOT about morals, or ethics. They don't have of either one. He just proved it.
    It's about MONEY.
    If selling drugs is a moneymaker, then it's game on for these hypocrites.
    Integrity level? ZERO.

  4. Sure this Corrupt State Government is the best place on the
    East Coast to sell DOPE

    Alot of DOPES run the government here....maybe they buy some
    too..........they might do a better Job then.........

  5. Next >>>> is selling Crack and Cocaine at the Casinos
    just as long as the GOV gets it's friggi'n TAX money !!!

    After that comes the rest of the harmful drugs...

    This will be Population Control , so more immigrants can
    keep coming in and we won't be Overcrowded anymore !!!

    As long as there is TAX to be collected ...WOOOOOOOOO !!!

  6. Convert the Chicken Houses to Marajuana growing .....

    Great Idea.....infrastucture already in Place !!!!

    Plus it don't Stink like chicken houses >>> it gives off
    a Pleasant odor.........not like POOP !!!!

    Hell, the Neighbors get High for FREE !!!!

  7. States apparently don't care about Federal Law anymore

    so look to see more coming ....states do as they please

    No consequences for them .... maybe Prostitution is Next
    to be legal in the states......the sky is the limit !!!

  8. you boneheads, do some actual RESEARCH about CBD oil instead of repeating the false crap the gubnit has been telling you your whole lives.There are 160+- compounds in cannabis, THC (the stuff that gets you high) is just one of them.

    there really IS medical benefits to be had using pot. Why else would you think the gubnit has TWO patents on it? Personally, I don't like smoking it but I will be trying the oil and maybe some edibles.

    And I will be willing to bet it will do more for me than the YEARS I have been taking gubnit approved medications. And that my friends is what I believe gubnit and the big drug companies are afraid of, lost revenue from lost customers. (Notice I said customers, NOT patients)

    Let me bore you with a couple facts, the state of Mississippi is the ONLY state in the union that is ALLOWED to grow pot currently for research. There are several people in the U.S. that the gubnit supplies with pot and has been for decades. (for medical treatment)

    Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to search on the internet and find these factoids for yourselves and learn something instead of the regurgitated nonsense feeds you.

    Bonus points for sharing OTHER facts about this you will also find. Happy hunting.

  9. No consequences for them .... maybe Prostitution is Next
    to be legal in the states......the sky is the limit !!!

    December 13, 2016 at 2:24 PM

    I guess you have never heard of Nevada

  10. Its called the tenth amendment 2:24 the feds already excede their authority in many issues this is just one. Feds need to change it ASAP. The people have spoken look at all the states that are alowing pot

  11. 5:09
    Well stated.

  12. Fact IS >> Federal is a Higher Authority than State's
    Just ask those who fought in the Civil War ....Dugh !!

    Who won that?? the states or the Federal Govt you fools ??

    So > if marajuana is against Federal Law ,then IT IS NOT
    LEGAL Period !!! The states are Breaking Federal Law and
    some asses should be going to Jail or Prison who think they
    had the Authority to Authorize it , when They DO NOT have
    the Authority to IGNORE the Federal Law already in place !!

  13. All laws need to be ON THE SAME PAGE ....
    It makes No sense that the states think they can do what ever they please and DISREGARD the Federal Laws ...Period .

    If Anything is Not legal in one state then, should be the same in all others , and vise versa ....if it is legal in
    one, then also in all others ....The USA has 50 states and
    common sense says all adhere to the same Federal Laws ....

    If Sanctuary Cities are against Fed Law , then they are in
    Violation ...Period ...arrest those leaders there !!!

    If Gay rights are good in some states, then they Must be
    good to go in ALL 50 states period .....

  14. How the hell can the govt lock up Anybody who breaks the laws , if the Govt Cherry Picks when it will or will not
    enforce laws already on the friggi'n books ???

    It Lets Hillary and the Clinton Foundation get away with
    murder.... / it lets states sell Marajuana / it lets
    sanctuary cities carry on / it lets some states reject
    gay marriage / ... the list goes on ...

    All those in jail or prison for friggi'n Marajuana should
    be suing the hell out of the damn government >> FACT !!

    It Pays for Hostages to Iran / it releases $$$ to Iran /

    It allows Nuclear Iran and North Korea .... on and on !!

  15. All Farmers switch from chickens to POT !!!

    This leverage can force the chicken companys to offer you a
    Raise !!

    Alot more $$$ in pot than in chickens !!!

    Alot more easy to manage , No feeding , More Time Off !!

    Alot less Stink !!

  16. December 14, 2016 at 11:04 AM

    go read up on the tenth amendment, and the constitution in general.

    Today, the Constitution remains the most important guide to all parts of government. It is often called the "highest law of the land." This means that no state, no branch of government, no person, no elected official--not even the president or Congress--can make a law or enforce a condition that goes against the Constitution. The Constitution continues to protect the rights and freedoms of American citizens.

    The first principle is that government is created by and gets its power from the people. This idea is called popular sovereignty. The Declaration of Independence had stated this idea clearly when it said: "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
    "We the People" are the first words of the Constitution and are written larger than any thing else. The writers wanted to emphasize that the ability to set up and start a new government came from the people of the United States.

    A second principle is federalism. The Constitution divides power, giving some power to the central or national government and some power to state governments. The Constitution lists things the national or federal government can do; these are delegated powers. The Constitution lists things which the national government and the state governments cannot do. Some powers, like collecting taxes, are concurrent, powers that both the national and state governments can exercise.

    The Constitution doesn't list all the powers of the states. Article 1 prohibits or forbids the states to do certain things such as make its own money, declare war on another country, or make treaties with another country. Amendment 10 of the Constitution then states that powers not given to the national government and not forbidden to the states are reserved to the states.

    Another main idea or principle in the Constitution is separation of powers. The first three Articles divide

    the national government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The writers of the Constitution did not want one part of government to become too powerful.
    In addition to dividing power into three branches, the writers were careful to add checks and balances to the Constitution. Each branch of government has some limits placed on it by another branch. For example, Congress--the legislative branch-- makes all laws. But Congress can't make laws which go against the Constitution, and the Supreme Court--the judicial branch-- can declare a law unconstitutional.

    No one part of government shall have total control over another. Checks and balances. The constitution is the highest law of the land. Hope this helps.


  17. Fact is > The Gov Really just does whatever it wants

    All us poor folks can't do anything about it

    The Gov is full of Lawyers who can manipulate the so called
    constitution to suit their appetite .....

    We are really Not Free , they just want you to think you are

    It is really People by the Government / Not Government by
    the People ..... We were all Not born yesterday and see
    what really goes on ........ Fact is the Gov really is
    Your WORSE ENEMY !!! just ask anyone in Business !!

  18. Chicken houses already in place
    Just add on the Marajuana section to them
    Free fertilizer in the chicken section !!!

  19. Farmers will now be applying for Marajuana Licenses so
    they can get rich !!!

    Alot cleaner than working with chicken poop !!!

  20. December 18, 2016 at 2:38 PM

    So much negativity and self-defeatism. Typical eastern shore man. No one needs to hold you down, you do a fine job all by yourself.


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