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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Divider-in-Chief: Obama Claims “whites in northern states” Very Different from “southern states”

President draws divisive lines between north and south

President Obama claimed he’s experienced racist attitudes “among whites” from different parts of the country.

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Wednesday, Obama broadbrushed white people in the northern and southern parts of the United States, claiming sentiments about him between the two regions are “very different.”

”I think there’s a reason attitudes about my presidency among whites in northern states are very different from whites in southern states,” Obama said.

“So, are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign ― the other? Are those who champion the birther movement feeding off of bias?” Obama questioned, before answering himself, “Absolutely.”

Democrat strategist David Axelrod also told CNN the “birther movement,”started by Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, “has roots in racism. There’s no question about it.”

“It’s indisputable that there was a ferocity to the opposition and a lack of respect to him that was a function of race,” Axelrod added.



  1. How about he was a total failure?

  2. The attitude is actually the same , the south doesn't like obama and is proud to admit it , the north doesn't like obama either but are too afraid to admit he is and has been the ultimate failure.

  3. No doubt there is a difference. North easterners are without a doubt and by far the more racist of the two. Most blacks I interacted with in the south were extremely friendly. That include right here on the eastern shore.

    That all changed 8 years ago.

    While the vast majority of blacks are still cool. There is an unmistakable edge to many interactions I have.

    Thanks Obama you POS. Cant wait till you leave.


  4. And who cares what he has to say? Never been worth listening to, so why now. Get the heck out of the public eye and finish packing. Oh, don't use a local mover, use one of those long distance company's.

  5. he deserves no respect just go back to kenya

  6. Obama has proved to be RACIST-IN-CHIEF !!!

    even his preacher was caught on video giving racist speeches ....... guess it rubbed off on Obama !!!

  7. It was not a "function of race".

    It was a function of competence. He had never even sold a candy bar in a school fund raiser and his loving supporters decided to put him in charge of a business worth trillions.
    I'm still waiting for an explanation of why he has not been arrested for using the SSN of a dead man from Connecticut, a sate he never visited or lived in....
    Riddle me that.
    You KNOW what would be happening to "we, the people" for that crime (and it IS a crime).

  8. send him to his Muslim buddies at IRAN .......

  9. You people in this comment section are to ignorant to respond to

    1. @2:05 And yet you just did 😏

  10. Isn't he half white? (map)

  11. no way he's half white, half wit yes

  12. well he is at least partially correct. Yankees ARE different. No news there.

  13. pres. Osama is a good boy, if u like boys

  14. I'm in Pennsylvania and I voted for Trump, I detest O'Bobo's white side equally as much as the colored side. Oh yeah, I have MANY guns and one bible that I cling to.

  15. DIVIDER IN CHIEF ....you said it , and you are Right !!!

    It was OK when he was Friends with Cuba's Regime leader
    But now , it not ok if Trump or his Sec of State is friendly
    towards Russia..... Woooooo, no that's a crime.........

    Obama doing Nothing in office now ...just relaxing and
    traveling the world .... Why don't he do some work , like
    investigate hacking of election allegations....investigating
    Hillary ??? etc

  16. Just more Race-baiting. AND he IS working...bringing in as many illegal Muslins as he can,

  17. Both North and South don't need or like him

    He needs to quit commenting and enjoy his vacations till
    next month when he Leaves office.......Sore Looser !!

    He should look at the RED map of who won the election...
    There is alot of Red both North and south / also east and
    west !!!!!!


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