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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Barbara Walters feels ABC execs have ‘ruined’ legacy of ‘The View’

Barbara Walters thinks ABC execs have ­ruined “The View” and fears the show will be ­remembered for its petty backstage bickering and revolving door of talent.

“She feels they’ve ruined the franchise that she and Bill Geddie built. Instead of focusing on smart, educated women with strong talent, they cast uninformed child actors on the show. The legacy has been compromised because of poor casting and bad leadership under ABC News,” a source told us.

Walters is so over the show that she even ditched a post-election appearance, which reunited original hosts, Debbie Matenopoulos, Meredith Vieira, Joy Behar and Star Jones. Walters’ longtime rep told us she was vacationing with her daughter in Florida. “It was a prearranged vacation for the two of them. She calls the control room multiple times a week to offer her suggestions. She has a wonderful relationship with the show,” she said.



  1. The old bags on there have ruined the VUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  2. Woopie & behar are the problem

  3. I think this is a great next step for Megan Kelly!

  4. Jill Stein is enough of a loony to be a host on the view.

  5. All great comments, never thought of The Great Megan Kelly. She is soooo in love with herself and has such hate for Trump. Kelly would be a great fit to sit with that trash.

  6. 7:44 (both) are exactly correct....those two cows have ruined it!!!!

  7. How anybody can watch this show is beyond me.

  8. As a women, I would have to think hard if I would choose water boarding or having to watching the view.

  9. this show is about people who love themselves, You know the type, "Hollywood Celebreties"

  10. The liberal bias of Behar and Goldberg ruined the show.

  11. Have not seen much of the view. Mostly when O'rielly shows clips. I think it was probably ruined from the beginning. Just hot air bags babbling trying to hold on to a careers that have long past them.

  12. Frankly The Jerry Springer show is more entertaining.

  13. She is right, the show has become a joke with liberals so bad they should be removed and hire people with an iQ above 50! whoopie is supposed to be leaving the county. When is she leaving!

  14. Whoopie and Joy Behar ruined that show they think their so interesting and their opinions are the only opinions that matter. They are what brought the show down, that plus it was BOREING!!!!!!!

  15. Babs WaWa is absolutely correct. ABC/DISNEY, heck look at what they have done to ESPN, its now a watered down version now known by many as BSPN!


  16. how much does a facelift cost?

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Frankly The Jerry Springer show is more entertaining.

    December 13, 2016 at 9:08 AM

    is that stupid show still on the air? or just on reruns for the morons out there?

  18. Liberalism killed the view. (But illuminated the cray cray)

  19. Anytime you have liberals running the show that cannot tolerate any other view but their own, it's bound to hurt or destroy the brand of a show poised as opinion television.

  20. Show went to Hell when she left / she Was the show and
    that dumb bunch on there now are just waisting up air time

    It needs to be dropped and replaced !! Fact


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