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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Court Plaza & Temple Hill Motel Sold To Salisbury University

WBOC is welcoming this move like it is a great thing for Salisbury and the Eastern Shore. The funny part is, they disguise "Salisbury University" by calling it another name.

Here's the problem Folks. Here's yet even more property that will ultimately come off the tax rolls. One by one, bit by bit, the University and PRMC continue to purchase commercial property that pay massive taxes and remove them from the tax roll. 
This means, in the end, YOU will have to make up the tax losses and don't let the Liberal fool of a Mayor try to fool you any more. The same goes for Affordable Housing projects. Yes, that will include tax breaks for the Downtown parking lots. 

While you may see construction going on, YOU will pay for it while it gets disguised behind liberal trickery. She may look beautiful but trust me, there's more baggage than you'd ever imagine!

Publishers Notes: I stand corrected. I was watching WBOC this morning, (seriously) and they said that the Mayor and City of Salisbury, (I'm paraphrasing) will be excited about the sale of these two properties. Being that I knew they have City services, I simply thought they remained in the City Limits, they do not. Forgive me for the mistake. 


  1. How does the mayor of Sby conspire with SU when they are 2 separate entities? One has no say in what the other does.

  2. We saw this coming over ten years ago. The University has to expand to continue to be competitive and to look ahead to larger student enrollment. These purchases are in county lands, affecting the county tax base, not the city's.

  3. I heard from a reliable source that they will be using that property to create housing and multi-purpose area for Asian students, like the housing at Salisbury School. There is great interest from Chinese students studying here, and they pay 'full-freight'. It's a win-win: SU get's full tuition without FAFSA discounts and the Chinese students get a great education. So, the local economic impact could actually be better (foreign dollars being spent locally) than a few tax dollars from an aging motel and a non-producing retail center.
    I guess the only bad thing is they skew the curve for the local students, especially in STEM. But we still have them beat in liberal arts!!!

  4. I hope they build more college dorms maybe then the slumlords around here will have to drop there rental prices,I say it all the time if it wasn't for the college kids around here the rental prices wouldn't be so high,then the middle class people would not have to work 2 jobs just to live in a nice neighborhood

  5. The slumlords that owned those properties just made out like bandits! Turns out they might not have been very good income producing properties for them, but the properties performed really well on the capital gains.

  6. 9:46 AM Nice try but somehow they get city services at no cost..... hmmm, what a deal

  7. It does affect the city as well, which at the expense of the city taxpayers provide fire and ambulance service. Additionally, city taxpayers also pay county taxes without a differential.

  8. 9:56 AM Isn't that discrimination? You can't build housing for one race only.

  9. The motel was an eyesore. Needed to be replaced or torn down. I think this will be better in the long run for this property. There is little to no industry in this town now. I don't see this as a bad thing.

  10. The SU thiefs had another firm buy it for them when it originally went up for sale. Then SU bought it from the fake firm at a reduced price. Win Win Win.

  11. Quit your damning whining! The college will transform these run down eye sores into something that will only benefit the city and county. If the college hadn't expanded the city would be in dire straights. Embrace your savior and get outta the way of progress!

  12. 10:55am - need to get off the old way of thinking train. New owners heading into 1600 Penn Ave soon, days of screaming discrimination will not stop the new train!

    Not fluff, simply business minded fact!

  13. So much disdain towards a university that puts this place on the map

  14. 11:42 I mean it is not like the students don't spend money eating, drinking, shopping in the area or their parents spending money here. They all have cars that need gas, oil changes, tires, repairs not to mention the parking ticket revenue because like I just there for a second, OMG!

  15. There are no tax breaks for downtown parking lots. As someone who was considering developing them at one point this is something we had to go through and I understand. I'll admit I didn't understand it before but I do now. There can't be any tax breaks. It's off the tax rolls now and they will come on to the tax rolls. They will produce new tax revenue. If I had been the Fire and develop them I would've payed full taxes. I'm sure the city would have done a tiff which just means that as the property value increase the increase bit would pay for the road improvements and Street lights and water and sewer around the project but I wouldn't have gotten any discounts. I would've paid more taxes than anybody in the bury.

  16. So SU bought it directly from the city? Why couldn't Gillis Gilkerson buy it and give it away to SU for a 5 million dollar write off?

    1. You are a moron. What a ridiculous suggestion.

  17. I would love to see the slumlords be forced to drop their rents for lack of students.Houses in acceptable safe areas are over 1k a month! Bye bye greedy bastards.

  18. We benefit greatly fro SU and PRMC- embrace expansion- we all win. If only they would buy up the crime ridden neighborhood between them.. hmmm?

  19. Another property confiscation by your government. And with it - goes the tax assessment base being substantially reduced. Who is going to pay? You guessed it the rest of the legitimate pawns!!

  20. Yet more business locations gobbled up by the big bad university which offers nothing more than liberal memes to the students while stifling the few conservatives on its faculty. Ain't life grand?

  21. For people who constantly scream about green initiatives, these guys certainly love to tear down existing structures to pollute the air building new ones. Make sense?

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You are a moron. What a ridiculous suggestion.

    December 18, 2016 at 6:34 AM

    What a lovely way to start the day off. Why was he a moron? Do you have an alternative plan/suggestion? What exactly are you basing your opposition on? Surely you are not here to just hurl insults at random people with no insight/plan/argument/ideas of your own?


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