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Sunday, December 18, 2016

Marylanders have more coverage, lower overall premiums under Obamacare, new fed report shows

The uninsured rate in Maryland has fallen by 42 percent since 2010, translating to about 278,000 Marylanders gaining health care coverage, with many more seeing increased Medicaid, Medicare and employer plan benefits, according to a new federal report.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released an extensive analysis of state-level data Tuesday illustrating the impact of the Affordable Care Act over the past six years. The report comes as debate continues over what would happen to America's health care system if the Trump Administration follows through on promises to "repeal and replace" the health care law.

Republicans have long railed against the ACA and its impact, including high premiums for individual health plans. In Maryland alone, premiums for such plans have risen by double-digit percentages over the past four years.



  1. I'll believe it when I see an independent study.

  2. OH my gosh, who wrote this garbage?
    My premium went from 636 to 880 and my deductible also went up.
    Lets not talk about the fact that there are only 2 carriers left.

    Lower premiums???
    2 years ago I paid $500 a month and now its $880?
    That is 1/3 of my take home pay.

    What a crock of crap. Absolute friggin crap.
    2017 = no insurance
    They only ones winning are the welfare crowd.

  3. "But by now, the ACA is built into the fabric of the American health care system"


  4. Though over 80 percent of Americans receive federal subsidies to help them pay for plan premiums, there is still a large section of marketplace buyers who struggle to pay full price for their insurance.

    So 80 of Americans make crap pay? Is that what she is saying?

  5. There are 6 million Marylanders but ONLY 135,208 people in Maryland have coverage through the state marketplace, Maryland Health Connection.

    What is that .02%
    And they call that a success?

  6. I call BS! My plan with Carefirst will go from $255.00 a month to $455.00 a month with a $6500.00 deductible! Same plan from last year...just twice the money! I am not on any medication and go to the doctor once a year for a physical. I will not be insured as of 1/1/2017 because I cannot afford $455.00 a month. And they named it "The Affordable Care Act"! SMH

  7. Medicaid: 1,252,304

    Medicare: 960,848

    Individual Market Coverage: 135,208 (and this is a success?)

    Employer Coverage: 3,700,000

    Equals = 6,048,360

    Population of MD 5.976 million (2014)

    There are more people insured than live here? How is that possible?

    The only ones winning are the welfare crowd.

  8. And my portion of my company plan has doubled under ObamaCare in Maryland. Every benefit for those who don't pay for it, is just more money out of the pockets of those that work and pay for their insurance. I sure hope Trump makes work a requirement again for the able-bodied welfaries that are collecting benefits when they should be working.

  9. Crock of Crap
    Deductables up
    Copays up
    services down
    Liar Liar Pants on Fire

  10. Of those 278,000 Marylanders it would be interesting to see how many are black or Hispanic.

  11. Obama care only works if you dont! Whomever wrote this report should be fired! This is the definition of Fake News!

  12. suuuurrrree

    my deductable went from $500 to $300
    premium went up $400 a month

    are they smoking crack?

  13. When ACA is adjusted/resized/redone by the new administration, premiums "could" increase yet again. Remember, the health insurance folks still want to get their nut ($$$$$$) just as well as medical community.

    Looking at the glass as half full than empty - maybe what we had prior to ACA was a run-away train ready to crash (insurance companies were on the verge of increasing plans prior to ACA), the advent of ACA started to slow the train and NOW, with better leadership in place, TRUMP CARE will get the train tuned up for a very long run on the tracks! With the insurance industry making adjustments ($$$) along the way.

    End of the day, its all a business!

  14. @11:26 Yes at the end of the day it is all business. How sad is that?? Money before life :(

  15. Federal agency report = ZERO credibility.

  16. BS. My rates have gone up 20% per year and benefits reduced. At least the old way the rates kept going up but benefits stayed the same.

  17. Silly people. More lies.

  18. Whopper LIE written by lib Dems. Your noses have to be at least 30 ft. long. Gippeto has to be your daddy.

  19. Jeez you people are dumb. Your employer health care has nothing to do with Obamacare. That's them cheaping out and not respecting you enough to get a good plan.

    I'm on the ACA marketplace and pay less than everyone I know that never bothered to look into how Obamacare actually works. You have to be smart about it, do the work, and shop around.

  20. 12:21 Whatever! Between dove season, squirrel season, deer season, rockfish running, duck season, goose season and open season on Natural Light, I don't have time to look up this stuff. I think they did this open sign up stuff in the fall just so us hunting folks couldn't put no time to it. It's discriminating and come Jan. 8 it all gonna change.

  21. If Marylanders on ACA are paying less, it's because working Americans are subsidizing its cost thru premium tax credits.
    ACA is designed to keep lower income people earning low incomes.

  22. It's a TAX..!!! We will NEVER be rid of it, just like the TEMORARY income tax that was passed just to pay for WW1.

  23. Always a bit dodgy to look at mainstream media for actuality and reliance for facts such as this. Overall Obamacare is not a good proposition for anyone, much less it's also unconstitutional for the federal government to mandate the purchase of any good and/or service. Therefore, it's repeal is imperative because of this fact alone.


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