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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Bye-Bye: U.S. Job Seekers Giving Up, Leaving the Workforce

More Americans are kissing the workforce goodbye – not because they’re financially secure but because they can’t find a job. A record 95 million people are sitting on the sidelines opting not to work. As a result, the labor participation rate is stuck at 62.7%, a 40-year low.

“There are a certain percentage of people staying home,” said Dan North, economist at Euler Hermes, during an interview with FOXBusiness.com. “If benefits are great in some states, people will just stay home,” he noted. Those benefits may include welfare, food stamps and Medicare.

“It’s not that people are lazy, they are just not stupid,” Michael Tanner, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, which advocates limited government, tells FOXBusiness.com. Tanner, who studies poverty issues, also notes the federal welfare system is very complex and has around 70 programs, making it more complicated to fix. States with generous freebies include Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and California.



  1. Folks stop the nonsense. This has been predicted for decades simply from workforce demographics and integration of technology to boost productivitt

  2. Bull...it absolutely is the fact they are lazy.

  3. Communists governments want the people to be dependent on government.
    The US government is getting exactly what it asked for.
    The US government is becoming communist.

  4. As a contractor I have come across people about to be evicted, power shut off, late on car payments and so forth. When I have offered them some work their reply is " I won'the work for less than $17 + an hour!". This just gets me, you are about to become homeless and I offer you work at $12 an hour to start and you tell me you would rather be homeless than take less than a ridiculous wage to start! I would rather make something than a blank!

    1. $12 a hour to work construction. What a joke.

    2. This is the whole problem and unqualified set of hands to help on a construction job but will not work for 12 dollars a hour, It is much easier to sit on ther ass and collect from the welfare system, I do construction and pay well when you produce a quality job!

    3. 4:46. You're so right. We moved here a few years ago after the housing market crashed to help out some elderly family members. My husband had worked over 20 years in the residential construction business. A family member suggested a local construction company in Salisbury for him to try (it's right across from SU), they offered him $12 a hour. He didn't take the job but soon found out that's the going rate around here. He found a job online for a company doing work in Salisbury and they offered him $20, not great but better. To this day he is still with that company and has moved up in positions yearly. He makes over $100,000 a year now but has to travel out of Salisbury to do it. Local companies need to wise up and pay more money or keep getting what you pay for.

    4. 12:35 Hobby Lobby starts their full time retail people out at $12.50. That's doesn't even compare to construction work and yet they make more money. 🙄

  5. Some people are getting paid so little that welfare covers them more than working does. Anyone working at Wal-Mart or foodlio can't even pay just the rent on one salary, and they get more help from welfare if they just stay home with kids.

  6. Now you should understand why immigrants illegal or not are often needed to work.

  7. Not everyone that left the workforce is poor or on welfare. My job was eliminated in 2009 when the economy went to hell. Even though I was in my early 40's, I have been investing my earnings for years in real estate and gold. Gold more than doubled and real estate fell by more than half. Figure it out. Sold one and bought more of the other. Never going back to work again.

  8. 95 million out of work or quit looking is the underground economy that has saved America not Obama.If it weren't for cash this economy would have collapsed long ago.

    1. The cash is printed to float but at a steep cost to taxpayers 127. The interest being charged for this funny money is astronomical and unsustainable. Seriously? You really believe th economy is thriving? 😳🙄

  9. 127
    You are correct and that is why the Big Banks want to outlaw cash.
    They want control over our lives.

  10. Thank you 4:46 I was just going to say, they are more than likely not working for him because of his arrogant attitude towards employees.

    We are tired of watching you live in your McMansion while we are still living in poverty working full time with no benefits.

    All on the back of his employees. Heaven forbid any of us want a better life for ourselves. Shame on us for not kneeling to these greedy masters.

  11. The economy is a house of cards.

    Check out some intelligent peoples' opinions:

    Rick Rule
    Eric King
    Paul C. Roberts
    David Stockman
    Greg Hunter
    Katherine A. Fitts
    Andrew McGuire

    The list goes on and on.
    From those folks, you can link onto others too numerous to mention.
    There are a lot of people who know what is happening and they are trying desperately to wake people up.

  12. Excel in what your occupation is and you will get paid well! End of subject!

  13. You can't show up late and hungover at hobby lobby. You can't smoke cigs all day and get high on your break time either. You have to dress nicely, clean appearance and speak politely to customers without cursing. Who wants to work there?


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