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Sunday, December 11, 2016

Black Activists Launch Monthly Fee System For Whites To Pay Blacks

Liberal black activists have launched a monthly “subscription box” designed for white people “to not only financially support Black femme freedom fighters, but also complete measurable tasks in the fight against white supremacy.”

The subscription service is called Safety Pin Box and was launched last week. Wearing a safety pin has recently become a symbol within the liberal community for one to show solidarity with minorities.

The group is headed by Leslie Mac and Marissa Jenae Johnson. Johnson is one of the Black Lives Matter protesters who interrupted Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during a speech in Seattle last year.



  1. This is the dumbest thing. Black Lives Matter is a group of domestic terrorists that use violence and crime to get their way. No white person is going to pay for them to destroy stuff. So useless.

  2. unbelievable. just when you think things couldn't get anymore ridiculous

  3. The liberals and blm wacos don't realize yet that no one is buying this crap. If they went about in a better way it could have been a positive thing. However they have turned into a joke.

  4. Gotta give them credit for ingenuity. They won't get a dime from me.

  5. I would rather invest in lead for each one of those crazy activist.

  6. This country is looney and leftist enough to give them what they want.

  7. What will conservatives wear to show their contempt for these loons, who think the whole world is paying attention to them and their whining? A rifle round?

    No one else gives a crap, except THEM.

    Give them a participation trophy and move on with life.

  8. I"m sure some of the donors for Stein's recount would be more than happy to throw more of their money away to these idiots

  9. How soon before their "Black Reign" tax?

  10. Don't they already get enough from us? I mean I don't have a pay check left after the all the taxes the free loaders get. Enough.is enough. Thinking the privilege thing is reveresed.

    1. I agree, 100.00 shoes, free housing, heating, food, phones, cable, Internet, brand new cars, I'm not paying $$it to them, they get enough of my paycheck.

  11. It's This kind of slave mentality that will always keep them subservient to Whites.

  12. Stupid, hear me roar!!!!


  13. We pay then now, it's called welfare, section 8, etc.

  14. I'm launching a program for all the red and yellow, black and white people to be able to pay ALL law abiding citizens back for crimes against us.

  15. Obama Care ... was all about Whites paying for Blacks

    and he did not care how it ruins America and the white
    working class....he did not bother to fix it Proves that...

  16. That was the Main reason for Obama pushing his Care through
    congress.....and for them to Not read it.......

    Give blacks healthcare while the whites pay for it.....
    No way Americans would be tolerating this much Longer...
    There would be Riots all over America if Trump had not won
    the election....who will be Throwing This Crime Out as soon
    as he gets in office.....Thank goodness for Trump !!!!

    Racist Obamas leaving the WH soon.....Good Thing too....

  17. Take that RACE CARD AWAY !!! and things will get better !

  18. whites have been Paying the Price (for Affirmative Action)
    for way toooo long....
    Time for Real Equality for All ... throw it Out now....in
    first 30 days in office !!!

    Have the Same equality for all races / groups stop favoring
    the only One that gets it now, and for last 60 years .....

  19. Just a plot to sell more safety pins.....


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