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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Obama Admin Keeping Syrian Refugee Vetting Details Classified

Admin hiding details of vetting from American public while moving in refugees

The Obama administration is keeping details about how it is vetting Syrian refugees for terrorism ties classified, drawing concerns from Congress that the administration is using a flawed screening process that expedites the timeframe needed to fully vet foreign individuals, according to new congressional communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Rep. Sean Duffy (R., Wis.) is petitioning the Obama administration to publicly disclose the vetting process and explain how officials can ensure in an expedited timeframe that Syrians admitted into the United States do not have ties to terrorism, according to a letter sent by Duffy to the White House.

The Obama administration has repeatedly shortened the timeframe allocated to vet these refugees for terrorism, with checks now taking less than three months despite warnings from security officials who have asked for up to two years to perform the necessary background checks.

Duffy is additionally petitioning President-elect Donald Trump to pause the refugee resettlement program until U.S. security officials across the government can guarantee that all Syrians relocated to the United States do not have ties to terrorism.



  1. Obama is such a P.O.S.!!!!!!!!
    Anyone that likes him is crazy!

  2. The vetting process should real simple, if they are Muslim they are a member of an organization who's purpose it is to kill non muslims and create a caliphate. All Muslims should be banned forever PERIOD.

  3. I remember Obama saying his administration would be the "most transparent" Presidency ever. Perhaps he meant invisible. He has been lying since day one.

  4. American citizens don't have any right to know how our masters make these types of decisions.


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