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Sunday, November 27, 2016


Trump must drain the Clinton crime family with the rest of the swamp

Alex Jones breaks down the desperate attempt by the Clintons to convince Donald Trump not to prosecute Hillary by using Chelsea for sympathy.

If Donald Trump truly wants to drain the swamp in Washington he must make an example out of this evil corrupt family and send a clear message that he is here to bring about real change.



  1. News already out that Trump will NOT seek to prosecute Clinton. A broken promise already and showing the rest of us that it's okay for some people to break the laws of the land and get away with it. Regardless, he's better to have as POTUS than Hillary Clinton.

  2. According to Breitbart today, President-Elect Trump does not care to pursue going after Clinton. This could be a ruse to prevent Obama for pardoning HRC but who knows. Here's the link

    1. So explain why he is taking up the global warming issue from the NY Times ? Trump is starting to show his true colors?.

  3. If Trump does not prosecute i will vote for democrats from this point on because it will prove there really is no difference between parties.

    1. Or we could focus on passing his agenda and making American great again...instead of getting bogged down in a multi year investigation the Dems will use as a rallying cry. Don't make her a martyr. Let her fade in to obscurity with the Bushs'

  4. Trump is now backing off sending hillary to prison tutut.

  5. He is playing all of the media. Havent you figured this out by now? He says a little bit to get them thinking one thing and behind the door nothing has changed. She is still under investigation for the foundation so dont get your panties in a wad just yet. He might not have to do anything once he gets in. Look at Jeff Sessions taking over for lynch. He is a brilliant man. Let him get in there and undo things that Comey wouldnt go for and what Lynch tried to hide. Really all Trump could do is get a special prosecutor to look into it. In the broad scope of things, how will that make America Great Again? The whole country knows she is guilty. She isnt going to rule anything. What will putting her in jail solve? Plus with the media, this will be more of a circus than it already is. A few days from now this story will change.

  6. At least let him get into office before we throw him under the bus

  7. So, why would they be so worried about prosecution if Hillary did nothing wrong?

  8. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 22, 2016 at 7:57 PM

    Trump might not prosecute Hillary, but new Attorney General Jeff Session will. Some folks need to realize Trump can't fix everything overnight. After 8 years of Obama, the whole country is a mess and he is still not done. January can't come soon enough!

  9. I am willing to give him a chance. Just will not support him at all if he does back off his promises. I changed voter registration from republican to independent because the republicans let me down with Obama. I will throw the entire party and Trump under the bus if he rolls over for the democrats.

  10. There's no reason to pursue Hillary as long as BO os POTUS. Come January 20, I'm sure the new FBI Director will be happy to take up where Comey fell down; oh, I mean left off.

  11. Teflon Clintons are just Above the laws .. that's just
    the way it is...... Fact

    They will let her and Bill and the rest Go because it will
    look good and be politically Correct.......

    They will be too busy on many other things to do ....

    On Tv today they are letting her Go ......

  12. He did not say he wouldn't pursue it , his language was a little confusing in that he feels sorry for her and she has been through a lot . This is nothing more than a ploy to distract the democrats and make them smile until he becomes president , then he will slam the clinton foundation and all it stands for.

  13. He doesn't want presbo to pardon her prior to his inauguration.
    Sessions will appoint an independent prosecutor.
    You should know by now, you can't believe what you read!

  14. The Clinton crime family is a Teflon One ... even more
    than John Gottys was .........She and Bill are Teflon Dons!!

    N O T H I N G S T I C K S !!!!!

  15. The daughter is no different the staff at the White House during their term said she treated the help like dogs and cussed the Secret Service all the time. She has the same fleas as the parents and her husband made money while the ones who worked for him lost everything.

  16. It's time for the entire Clinton Crime Family be brought to justice. Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and Chelsea's husband. They've had free reign for way too long. It has to end. Jeff Sessions will not turn a blind eye and if you noticed, Trump didn't say he would prevent anything from going forward. He de-politicized any investigation.

  17. 1109 before Trump got elected I'd agree with you but it's a whole new deal now. Get ready for the sparks to fly. Ken Starr, their attorney along with Alan Dershowitz are going to have a tough time with this one. That is, if they don't become co-defendants which is what I'm suspecting is going to occur. There will be no Lynch or Obama to keep them from seeing their days in court.


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