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Sunday, November 27, 2016

College Removes American Flag, Calls it “Symbol of Fear”

A private college in Massachusetts has announced it will no longer fly Old Glory because it has become a “heated symbol” in the aftermath of the presidential election — in an “environment of escalating hate-based violence.”

“There were a range of views on campus, including people whose experience growing up have made the flag a symbol of fear, which was strengthened by the toxic language during the campaign, and people for whom the flag is the symbol of all that’s best throughout the country,” said Hampshire College president Jonathan Lash told WBZ.

The Hampshire College Board of Trustees initially agreed to fly the flag at half-staff on Veterans Day — but not necessarily to honor our veterans.



  1. I'm sure they are no longer looking for any federal funding.

  2. Bunch of Un-American, damn cowards. Fly that flag you dummies.

  3. Only traitors and enemies of The United States of America fear the American flag. If the flag causes that much fear that the mere sight of it sends into a frenzy then this country is NOT for you! It is time you and your ilk go find someplace else to live. May I suggest Mexico, your heating bills are cheap there!

  4. We need trumps law and order. The democrats can not get it through their heads this is over and time to rebuild.

  5. Is FEAR the thing that motivates MILLIONS of people EVERY YEAR to risk their lives and the lives of their family JUST TO GET HERE???
    These spoiled, sissy, pansie-ace crybabies need an ass whippin'.
    I got your "symbol of fear".

  6. Their indoctrination of politically correct thinking is what has initiated their fear. They need to be properly educated or leave the country.

  7. The liberalism plague. Be very careful where you send your kids.

  8. UMES has a BLM flag flying over the American Flag. It's what the liberal schools do! Tolerance all the way around

    1. I heard about this how is this allowed please get a.picture.


  9. ...and the horse they rode in on!

  10. Hate that filthy flag and all of the evil it stands for abroad.
    The flag is a military symbol. The US government (not the People) is evil to its core. We all know that. The flag stands for the GOVERNMENT, not the People. The People need to STOP fighting these illegal and immoral wars of aggression.

    Get it?

  11. 8:27 Actually it is not "tolerance all around," because you let a college or a school put a "white lives matter" flag up and you will quickly see that there is no tolerance for "white lives." We have BLM for blacks, safe spaces for sissy college students, and safe cities for felonious illegal aliens but no foolishness is "tolerated" for whites because of their "privilege." The only privilege I have had all my life is to keep on working to support those who don't. Now I also get to pay 3/4 of my land tax bill to support schools and the students get to walk out at will to protest my president elect. I'm glad Trump was elected and can't wait until some of this BS stops. Oh, I forgot, we also have ladies rooms for confused men. We are oh so tolerant.

  12. 8:27
    Until someone sends Joe a picture I won't believe that. NO flag is suppose to fly above the American flag.

  13. Once again proving that "higher education" has become the province of morons. They will be the first ones running to us to protect them. They are worse than the enemy. They have no code.

  14. This college needs to be shut down, and parents of students should make a pilgrimage to get their children out of there.


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